Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, October 5, 2018
Friday, October 5, 2018
Northeast Cooperative hosts Fair Maps Town Hall in Oshkosh
In preparation for the November referendum on nonpartisan redistricting in Winnebago County members of Citizen Action, the League of Women Voters – Winnebago County, and others in the Fair Maps Coalition organized a town hall to educate voters on this important issue. Sachin Chheda, director of the Fair Elections Project spoke about how gerrymandering occurred in Wisconsin and the Gill v. Whitford court case. Shauntay Nelson, Democracy Director at Wisconsin Voices, gave a presentation on prison gerrymandering and how this impacts communities of struggle, especially in comparison to communities that contain a prison. She shared specific examples of how we see this playing out in Winnebago County. Jolie Lizotte, Citizen Action Northeast Co-op Organizer, explained the referendum and gave the local perspective on electoral maps in the county.
If you missed the event you can view the Facebook livestream here.
Northeast Co-op Members Meet State Senator Caleb Frostman
Members attended a De Pere meet and greet with Senator Caleb Frostman, running in Senate District 1. Folks got a chance to know the Senator better and ask questions about his campaign as well as how they can persuade voters to support him.
Members of the North Central Organizing Co-op & Lincoln County Democrats hold Meet and Greet for Mark Martello and Margaret Engebretson
Co-op members Bob and Judy organized a meet and greet at their cabin for Mark Martello for the 35th Assembly District and Margaret Engebretson for the 7th Congressional District on Oct. 3rd. It was very well attended. Mark and Margaret have been hitting the doors hard and have some well funded incumbents to unseat.
Please look at the end of the Citizen Action Weekly for volunteer opportunities or contact Organizer Joel Lewis at 715-551-2525 to see how you can help these awesome candidates. We have only 30 days left to win this thing!
MKE Area Fundraiser for Citizen Action Organizer Jeff Smith
Thursday evening Milwaukee Area Co-op members turnout to help raise money for Jeff Smith who is in a hotly contested swing State Senate Seat in the Eau Claire area. The seat is being vacated by Kathleen Vinehout and will likely be targeted by conservative dark money groups.
The event was co-sponsored by State Senators La Tonya Johnson, Chris Larson and Tim Carpenter. Unfortunately, the Milwaukee Brewers playoff game at the same time was the event’s biggest obstacle. In spite of that, many members came by said hello to Jeff and donated.
Please donate to Jeff Smith today!
Keeping Healthcare Top Issue in November Election
Citizen Action co-op members joined Teamsters Local 200 members and “Protect Our Care” Thursday morning in Milwaukee to fight to keep the protections for people with preexisting conditions. Destroying the Affordable Care Act and its guaranteed protection for those with preexisting conditions has been a top goal of Gov. Walker, AG Schimel, Congressional and Legislative Republicans in Wisconsin. We are committed to make their shameful record a top election issue this November 6th.
State Senator La Tonya Johnson told a powerful story about how she only received health coverage after being a state legislator, and how critical that coverage was when she discovered she had a tumor. Were it not for health coverage she may not have gotten treatment until too late. We must be guaranteeing coverage to all!
Citizen Action Northeast Co-op Health Care Town Hall with Josh Kaul and Matt Lederer
Citizen Action’s Northeast Organizing Cooperative invites you to come engage in a conversation on health care with Josh Kaul, candidate for Attorney General as well as Matt Lederer, candidate for State Assembly District 4. This town hall will be an opportunity for voters to learn more about Josh Kaul and how the office of the Attorney General influences health care policy. Attendees will have an opportunity to share your health care stories as a patient or professional in Wisconsin’s health care system. The event is sponsored by Citizen Action of Wisconsin and Lawrence University College Democrats
Lawrence University; Youngchild Hall Room
121 at Lawrence University
511 E College Ave, Appleton
More Information
“Shamocracy” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast
We discuss the sham FBI investigation into the credible charges of sexual assault leveled against SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh, and predict the likely outcomes of the shameful Senate confirmation process and the electoral fallout from Donald Trump’s latest degrading remarks. We also talk about the Fight for $15 movement’s victory this week at Amazon, and the strike in Milwaukee that resulted in 23 arrests outside a McDonald’s. Robert reviews the week’s healthcare news, including Assembly Speaker Robin Vos’s stubborn “No way” declaration on accepting federal Medicaid money and Leah Vukmir’s extreme attacks on Medicare for All. Finally, we welcome Aaron Matteson, a Citizen Action Co-op member and candidate for Assembly District 22.
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