Join the State “Joint Finance Committee” public budget hearings



Join the State “Joint Finance Committee” public budget hearings…

1. Janesville, Friday April 5th

2. Milwaukee, Thursday April 11th

3. River Falls, Monday April 15th

4. Green Bay, Wednesday April 24th

Address and exact time TBA.


How do use the invite link: Invite others on Facebook (in a very particular way!)

If you have a Facebook profile, a very helpful tactic is to share it with others in a way known as “Send as Message“. To do that, click here for a Citizen Action Facebook post about the form for people to sign up for the JFC hearings, then at the bottom of the page click SHARE. A pop-up window will come up with an option saying “Send as Message”. Click that.


Up pops a window with the link, and a section that says “Say Something About This“. Type a short blurb such as:

“Can you join us at the upcoming state budget hearings? They’ve been announced in April, and we’re going to go to urge the Legislators to say YES to expanding BadgerCare. Can you let us know here if you can come?”

Then scroll down to where you see “Connections” or “Contacts”, and click SEND next to anyone you think might be interested in hearing about this opportunity to tell these politicians what you think!

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