Citizen Action Weekly: 2019 Spring Election GOTV
Friday, March 29th
Vote Tuesday, April 2nd
You can register to vote at your polling location. Click here to find your polling location.
Citizen Action Endorsed Candidates
Judge Lisa Neubauer
State Supreme Court
The election to replace retiring Justice Shirley Abrahamson is on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. Judge Neubauer faces Walker-appointed judge Brian Hagdorn in the election. The ultra-conservative Hagedorn has made news during the campaign for scandalous and hateful writings revealing his bigotry and right-wing ideas.
For more information about Judge Lisa Neubauer.
See comparison with opponent.
Make phone calls from home for Judge Neubauer
Eric Genrich
Mayor of Green Bay
Eric is a former state representative and a founding member of the Northeast co-op.
Eric was a leader on expanding access to healthcare in the legislature, co-sponsoring the BadgerCare Public Option bill that is now supported by Gov. Tony Evers and would open BadgerCare healthcare coverage to more individuals and small business.
As mayor Eric will invest in renewable energy projects to power Green Bay and provide good jobs in the green economy for Green Bay’s workers. Eric Genrich is being challenged by a conservative opponent. The seat is open and an excellent opportunity to elect a progressive leader mayor of Green Bay.
Find out more about Eric Genrich.
Lori Palmeri
Mayor of Oshkosh
Danielle Shelton (Citizen Action Co-op member) – Milwaukee County Circuit Judge
Tammy Bockhorst (Citizen Action Co-op member) – Shorewood Village Trustee.
Kristina Shelton (Citizen Action co-op member) – Green Bay School Board.
Liberty Heidmann – Wausau School Board
Watch candidate debate video
Theresa Miles – Wausau School Board
Watch candidate debate video
Mark Holdhusen – Wausau School Board
Watch candidate debate video
Jane A Rusch – Wausau School Board
Watch candidate debate video
Bob Peterson – Milwaukee School Board At Large
Read more
Erika Siemsen – Milwaukee School Board, District 2
Read more
Sequanna Taylor – Milwaukee School Board, District 3
Read more
Marva Herndon – Milwaukee School Board, District 1
Read more
Megan O’Halloran – Milwaukee School Board, District 8
Read more
Kristen Padberg – Cedarburg School Board
Greg Deets – Waukesha School Board
Make Calls for Judge Lisa Neubauer for State Supreme Court
If you haven’t used Open VPB before, click: http://bit.ly/2Fs52RT
The links to each area of the state are below and live!
North Central – http://bit.ly/2HJAoF1
Northeast – http://bit.ly/2WdQwCY
Western – http://bit.ly/2Fp8UTv
Southeast – http://bit.ly/2UNnolx
Canvass for Judge Lisa Neubauer and Milwaukee School Board Candidates
Join us this Saturday, 1pm – 5pm, as Citizen Action Cooperative – MKE, Acción Ciudadana de Wisconsin. and the Wisconsin Working Families Party for GOTV door knocking for our judicial and school board champions. This is the final stretch and we need all hands on board. Meet at the Wisconsin Working Families Party, 413 N. 2nd st. Suite 125, Milwaukee.
Attend a Joint Finance Budget Hearing!
The state budget Joint Finance Committee public hearing locations have been annnced.
Friday April 5th
Pontiac Convention Center
2809 N Pontiac Dr. Janesville
Oak Creek
Wednesday April 10th
Oak Creek Community Center
8580 S Howell Ave., Oak Creek
River Falls
Monday April 15th
UW River Falls University Center, Riverview Ballroom #260
500 Wild Rose Ave River Falls
Green Bay
Wednesday April 24th
UW Green Bay University Union, Phoenix Rooms
2430 Campus Court., Green Bay
Each public hearing officially starts at 10am and goes until 5pm,
We are encouraging people to arrive early (8:30pm)
RSVP to attend and receive a Citizen Action t-shirt.
North Central Co-op has successful 2 year Anniversary Meetings in Two Cities at the Same Time!
Tuesday, the North Central Organizing Co-op had two meetings in two cities at the same time! One in Wisconsin Rapids and one in Wausau.
Members and allies discussed the importance of accepting the federal funds to expand Badgercare, and a budget request to expand SBIRT (screening, brief Intervention and referral to treatment) to all public school districts.
A well-deserved shout out to one of the Co-op’s Wood County Steering Committee members, David Gorski. He organized the Rapids event with the help of a few Co-op members and friends.They are fully committed to urging our legislators to accept these funds and to turning people out to the Joint Finance Committee hearings around the State to testify in support of this, among other issues.
Thank you to Kevin Robert Kane and Solana Patterson-Ramos for providing support in Wisconsin Rapids.In Wausau, our Bright Futures Organizer Supreme Moore Omokunde led the SBIRT presentation. If you would like to learn more about SBIRT, let me know, and I can email you some info. Another shout out to Supreme for his presentation and to Organizing Director Angelique Rogers for providing technical support and for helping run the meetings, and thank you for making the 6 plus hour drive to be in North Central WI!
Thank you to everyone who has committed to attending the Joint Finance Committee hearings, contacting our legislators, phone banking or canvassing for Lisa Neubauer, and thank you for being Co-op members or friends of the Co-op. Together, we can change this world for the better!
If you would like to send a postcard to your legislators, to WI Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, to attend a Joint Finance Committee hearing, or to order a t-shirt to be worn at the JFC hearings with our demands printed on the back, click here and fill out the form. You can also call Organizer Joel Lewis at 715-551-2525 or email him at [email protected]
Western Wisconsin Co-op members participate in Wisconsin Conservation Voters Lobby Day
On Wednesday co-op members attended Wisconsin Conservation Voters Lobby Day at the state Capitol. Co-op members met with our state legislators on issues the co-op has been organizing on including CAFOs, water quality, and climate.
The bi-annual lobby day attracts conservationist and environmentalist from every part of Wisconsin together to lobby every state legislator on a shared platform of key issues. Citizen Action was one of many sponsoring organizations who participated in the event.
Western Wisconsin General Assembly, April 6th, 10 AM- 1 PM
Join us for the Citizen Action of Western Wisconsin Organizing Co-op’s annual membership meeting. Celebrate three years of our Citizen Action Organizing Co-op in Western Wisconsin! Help us celebrate our co-op’s amazing achievements and learn how you can make a difference in 2019 and beyond. Our keynote address will be given by State Treasurer and Western Co-op member Sarah Godlewski. Members will also be electing candidates to openings on the steering committee during the assembly. Register here!
Plymouth UCC
2010 Moholt Drive, Eau Claire
10 AM- 1 PM
If you have any concerns or questions about the event, please contact your co-op organizer Noah at [email protected]
Western Wisconsin Co-op Members Running for Office!
The Western WI Co-op is proud to highlight our members running for office on April 2nd! These members have consistently taken the lead on addressing affordable housing, pledging to make Eau Claire carbon-free by 2050, and ensuring that all people in our community have access to clean drinking water! Click to the links to find out more about their campaigns!
Andrew Werthmann – Eau Claire City Council President
Kate Beaton– Eau Claire City Council
Laura Benjamin– Eau Claire City Council
Catherine Emmanuel– Eau Claire City Council
Terry Lee- Town of Brunswick Chairman
Attend Northeast Co-op General Assembly 2019
Saturday, April 13, 2019 at 11:00 AM
Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 400
2700 Northridge Dr. Kaukauna, WI
Join Citizen Action Northeast WI Co-op members as we gather from across the region to collaborate on our state budget priorities!
- 11am – noon will be a potluck/networking hour.
- 12-3pm we will be discussing the state budget and how to take action as well as how we can grow our co-op in preparation for 2020.
- A full agenda will be released a week before the event.
- Child care will be provided. The event is open to everyone so please bring a friend!
North Central Organizing Co-op members participate in WISDOM Lobby Day in Madison
A shout out to the members who traveled to Madison on Tuesday, March 26th, to take part in the WISDOM Lobby Day. Some of our North Central Organizing Co-op members belong to a chapter of WISDOM, known as NAOMI (Northern Area congregations Organized to Make an Impact). They spoke with legislators about issues related to reducing our prison population and increasing access to treatment, public transit, accepting the federal funds to expand Badgercare, and more.
Thank you to Co-op members Therese Moeller, Andrew Holloway and Dan Barth for making the journey to Madison.
“Challenging Trump & Foxconn” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast
In the first half of our show Rebecca Lynch and Robert Kraig discuss the current field of Democratic presidential contenders preparing to challenge Trump in 2020. In the second half of the show, we interview Citizen Action organizer Fabi Maldonado about his courageous effort to challenge Foxconn as a Racine County Supervisor and community leader.