Foxconn reality check
We are joined by state representative Jonathan Brostoff to discuss Gov. Evers’ conclusion that Foxconn is unlikely to hire 13,000 workers and his decision to renegotiate the contract. We review the new UW-Madison study that found accepting Medicaid money would save state residents $100 million a year, on top of savings to the state savings. We also talk about the Trump MAGA rally coming to Green Bay, the Koch Brothers’ “astroturf” state budget campaign, and Congressman Sean Duffy dishonestly sneering at the Green New Deal.
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Attend Green Bay Joint Finance Budget Hearing!
Wednesday April 24th
UW Green Bay University Union, Phoenix Rooms
2430 Campus Court, Green BayPublic hearings officially start at 10am and go until 5pm. We are encouraging people to arrive early (7:00am) RSVP to attend and receive a Citizen Action t-shirt.Links:
Foxconn’s Deal With Wisconsin Should Be Revised, Gov. Tony Evers Says.
Evers: Foxconn Contract Should Be Renegotiated, 13K Jobs ‘Unrealistic.’
Gov. Tony Evers wants to renegotiate Foxconn deal, says company won’t employ 13,000.
Racine County Residents Have Fresh Questions About Foxconn.
Report: Wisconsin Foxconn development could bring record flooding to Gurnee.
Rep. Gordon Hintz: GUEST COLUMN: 10 reasons to expand Medicaid.
Robin Vos unmoved by poll showing support for Medicaid expansion: ‘Sometimes you have to lead by what you believe in’.
AFP-WI Kicks Off New Grassroots Lobbying Efforts.
Trump to hold rally at Resch Center.
Wisconsin Republicans mock Democrats for holding 2020 convention here, saying ‘they want to get rid of our cows’.