Citizen Action Weekly – July 26th
Friday, July 26th
Eau Claire City Council Takes Action on Affordable Housing Crisis
Thanks to the excellent work of Citizen Action members on the ground and our elected members, the Eau Claire City council allocated $200,000 to purchase and prepare land for small, single-family homes. In addition City Councilors Andrew Werthmann and Kate Beaton authored an amendment to move $500,000 from the 2023 budget to next year, 2020, to fund the development of multi-family affordable housing. We are proud of our co-op members who spoke in support of additional funding and our elected officials for demonstrating true shared governance and responsibility to the needs of their community. You can find out more about the story and other important local issues through our member Julian Emerson’s excellent independent reporting!
(Councilmember & Co-op Member Andrew Werthman)
Burnett County Board Passes CAFO-Moratorium
The Burnett County Board voted 16-3 in favor of the proposed moratorium on livestock facilities licensing after nearly three hours of a public hearing at the Government Center. Citizen Action members Kim Dupree and Linda Hendrix joined in the fight, in addition to their current work on CAFO expansion in Polk County.
Our members and allies are merely the latest in communities taking action to fight ruinous factory farms from taking hold in Northwest Wisconsin.
HealthCare Co-op is looking for leads
Do you know anyone that has had the following experiences with our healthcare System:
Surprise Medical Bills:
Patient has a procedure done at an in-network hospital with an in-network doctor, only to receive a bill after (SUPRISE!) from the anesthesiologist.
Preventative VS. Diagnostic:
Women patients that go in for the yearly mammogram but because of dense tissue, need to have an ultra sound and because of that, the screening cost ends up costing the patient hundreds of dollars instead of being free under preventative care. A similar scenario happens to patients that go in for their screening colonoscopy.
If so, please refer them to our healthcare organizer Karen Kirsch @ 414-588-0927 or [email protected]
Updates from North Central Organizing Co-op
What an exciting week it has been.
First, leaders with the Wausau Chapter of OWR (Our Wisconsin Revolution) wanted to organize a response to Duffy’s support of Trump’s hateful speech aimed at AOC and the squad.
Some Co-op members, including Steering Committee member Lauren Henkelman, are active with OWR. Several groups came out in support of the squad, and in opposition to hate. You can see coverage of the rally here.
That was Monday.
On Tuesday, Citizens for a Clean Wausau, which also has several members from our Co-op, gave a presentation to the Park and Rec Committee at Wausau City Hall. Tom Kilian led the presentation, and it was encouraging, because City aldermen and City staff really seemed to take it seriously. As usual, fears over the cost of cleaning up any environmental contamination are seemingly the biggest hurdle we have in getting a good remediation plan in place. But progress was certainly made. You can see some media on this here.
Then, Tuesday night, love won again! Last month, Marathon County followed Gov. Evers’ lead, and passed a Pride resolution.
Several Co-op members were involved in this. Then, some County Board Supervisors decided to bring it back for a revote! It seemed like they had the votes…but, the attempt to bring it back for a revote was defeated! All of the no votes to the left are the people who support June being recognized as Pride month. Here is some coverage of that meeting.
Thank you to everyone who has made this one heck of a good week. If we continue to stand together and fight together, there is nothing that we cannot accomplish!
Southeastern Co-op
Big moment in Wisconsin history and for Citizen Action! A coalition of various organizations, activist, and elected officials got together and help pass a local version of Green New Deal at the Milwaukee County Board. In general, the plan will be to focus on giving poor communities and communities of color an economic opportunity to train and obtain for “green” new jobs. While tackling unemployment we will also combat climate change and racial injustices. We are proud of all our comrades and honored to be part of this movement.
What’s Next?
We have a huge event scheduled for Aug 1st at 6 pm at the Wisconsin Black Historical Society (2620 W Center St. Milwaukee, WI 53206). Join us to celebrate Milwaukee’s Green New Deal! It’s all about creating jobs for North and Southside Milwaukee residents, and putting an end to climate genocide! Click on the link for more information: Milwaukee’s Green New Deal Kickoff Celebration
Good Government Meeting
We are kicking off our Good Government team next week. Come join us at Black Sheep 216 S. 2nd St. Join us at 6 pm Monday Aug 29th. We will be talking about ranked choice voting, tuition free college, Wisconsin pensions, fair maps, voter registration and more!
Check out Citizen Action Press Clips!
Facebook post of the week: