Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, September 6th
Friday, September 6th
Join members and allies in Wausau to learn about the role of the State Treasurer
Citizen Action co-op member Sarah Godlewski fought hard to save the Office of the State Treasurer by leading a campaign to defeat a 2018 referendum to destroy the office. Following the referendum, Sarah ran for state treasurer and won last November 2018!
Sarah has many goals for the office and cares deeply for all of the citizens in WI.
Come join the Citizen Action of WI North Central Organizing Co-op, the Wausau chapter of Women for Women and County Board Supervisor (and Co-op member) Katie Rosenberg, as we introduce Sarah Godlewski. Treasurer Godlewski will educate us on the role of the state treasurer and answer audience questions.
The event is next Wednesday, September 11th, at 6:00 pm.
Marathon County Public Library
300 N. 1st Street, Wausau, WI 54403.
This event is NOT sponsored by the Marathon County Public Library
The event is open to the public. There is limited seating, so be sure to RSVP to [email protected] or call 715-551-2525.
You can also RSVP on Facebook here. Hope to see you there!
Road Trip with Citizen Action
If you are a member of Citizen Action, we are excited to announce that we are offering 2 opportunities to join us on some issue and political adventures. If you aren’t a member or need to renew, you can still take advantage of the offer if you sign up for a monthly membership. You can do so here!
- Join us in Iowa as our national affiliate, People’s Action, is putting together a Presidential Forum in Des Moines Iowa, September 21.
Can’t wait until April to see the candidates in person? Transportation and hotel will be provided to Des Moines. Here is more information
We only have a few spots left so RSVP soon!
- Caregiving Conference in Detroit! November 6-8th.
Learn and strategize with others interested the caregiving issue (long term care and child care). It’s a chance to develop a deep connection and understanding of care with like minded individuals. Again, transportation and hotel will be provided.
For more information email [email protected]
Driftless Co-op Update:
The Driftless region Co-op will have a table set up at “Pride in the Park” on Saturday September 7th at Riverside Park in La Crosse Wisconsin. We will be talking to festival attendees about the co op and how they can get involved in the fight for a Green New Deal right here in Wisconsin.
For more information or to join the new Citizen Action Driftless Organizing Co-op contact [email protected]
North Central Organizing Co-op Update
Members of the North Central Organizing Co-op marched in the Wausau Labor Day Parade. Wausau School Board President and Co-op member, Tricia Zunker, received the honor of being the Grand Marshall for the event, from the Marathon County Central Labor Council AFL-CIO. Here she is photographed with some of the kiddos that helped pass out candy during the parade.
Tricia is also a member of the Central Wisconsin Indigenous Peoples’ Day Committee, and they have been working to pass resolutions all across the State, stating that the school districts do not support using mascots that mock or offend Native American cultures or traditions. Most recently, the Black River Falls School Board passed this resolution. This all started in Wausau!
This past Thursday, September 5th, the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) educated the Environmental Resources Committee of the Marathon County Board on the Carbon Fee and Dividend legislation before Congress. They hope that Marathon County will take up a resolution in the near future, stating that they support this. Several Co-op members turned out in support, and some are also members of CCL.
On Thursday, August 29th, the Wausau Chapter of OWR held an educational meeting about Fair Maps. They requested that NC Organizer Joel Lewis and Co-op member (and all around leader) Hans Breitenmoser speak to their group. You can see coverage of this meeting here.
Upcoming Events in North Central
September 14th
The North Central Organizing Co-op will be tabling at Fighting Bobfest in Stevens Point.
It starts at 9:30 am on Saturday, September 14th and is located at the Pfiffner Building at Pfiffner Pioneer Park, 1100 Crosby Avenue, Downtown Stevens Point, WI. The event will include many great speakers including three of our Co-op members! Hope to see you there.
September 20th
The Northwoods Climate Action Network, Our Wisconsin – Northwoods and the North Central Organizing Co-op are sponsoring a Global Climate Rally, in solidarity with others all across the World. The event will be located at Torpy Park, 806 US Hwy 51, Minocqua, WI 54548 and it goes from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
MKE Laborfest
Watch video of Laborfest highlights from Sue Ruggles
LaborFest 2019 in Eau Claire
All we can say is, “wow!” From the solidarity march through downtown Eau Claire to our powerful speakers and everything in between, an enormous thank you to all of our members who showed up to take action. There is so much energy in the air and people know that the next year is going to be a big one in our part of the state.
(From left to right: *Phil Swanhorst, *Sen. Jeff Smith, *Rep. Jodi Emerson, *Treasurer Sarah Godlewski, and Sen. Patty Schachtner
*denotes Citizen Action Northwestern Organizing Co-op Member
Take Action with Citizen Action in Northwest Wisconsin!
There will be plenty of opportunities to join our co-op and allies over the next two months. If you know of an event you would like to see our Co-op have a presence at, please reach out to our organizer at [email protected]. Check back next week for more updates on our progress during our membership recruitment drive.
“Sensenbrenner to retire” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast
We discuss the surprise announcement that Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner is retiring after 40 years in Congress, setting off CD 5 candidate speculation. We take stock of his fractious legacy. The panel reviews the new MU Law Poll which continues to reveal a vulnerable President Trump and plenty of opportunity for Democratic presidential candidates in 2020. We talk about a new The Hill article which includes Sauk County on a list of the 10 bellwether counties that will determine the 2020 election. Citizen Action is building a new organizing co-op this fall and winter in the region. We discuss an open records request by citizen-activist Sheila Plotkin revealing overwhelming public opposition to the GOP’s lame duck session last year, which was entirely ignored by the gerrymandered GOP majority.
Listen Now – Episode #407
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