Citizen Action Weekly: Friday September 13th
Friday, September 13th
Join Us for Brew Fest, Thursday, September 19th, 5pm in Milwaukee
RSVP for Brew Fest
North Central Organizing Co-op has Great Turnout for The Role of the State Treasurer Event in Wausau!
Citizen Action Organizing Co-op member, and State Treasurer, Sarah Godlewski, visited Wausau this Wednesday. The event was hosted by the Citizen Action of WI North Central Organizing Co-op, Women for Women – Wausau Chapter, and County Board Supervisor Katie Rosenberg (who is a member of the NC Organizing Co-op), and was held at the Marathon County Public Library..
Sarah presented on the role of the State Treasurer, and what she hopes to work on while serving the great State of WI. Attendees also had ample time to ask questions of our State Treasurer. Topics discussed included the fund that the Office of the State Treasurer oversees, what can be done to help public schools, the possibility of a statewide retirement system that all of us could buy into, student loan debt and more.
We are also excited to tell you that Sarah is willing to bring the presentation to your City! If you live in Wisconsin and are interested in having a meeting like this, please contact NC Organizer Joel Lewis at 715-551-2525 or email him at [email protected]
Attend BobFest 2019 in Stevens Point
We are excited to say that Fighting Bobfest is happening in Stevens Point this Saturday, Sept. 14th at the Pfiffner Park Pioneer Building in Downtown. The NC Organizing Co-op will be tabling at the event, and we are proud to announce that several of our Co-op members will be speaking at the event. Co-op members who will be speaking include Hans Breitenmoser, who has been a leader in the fight for Fair Maps; Katie Rosenberg, who has fought tirelessly for Marathon County on a variety of issues, and who is now running for Mayor of Wausau; and David Barnhill, who will be presenting on the Green New Deal. It will be exciting to see State Senator Jeff Smith (who is a member of the Western WI Organizing Co-op) speaking as well. Come join us!
Driftless Co-op Organizing Update
The Driftless Region co-op set up a table at the 7 Rivers Area Pride Event this past week. We were able to network with festival goers and area progressive groups. 28 festival goers signed up to learn more about how they can be a part of building a Green New Deal here in the Driftless Region!
If you have friends or family in the Driftless Region that want to help save our environment and build a local economy that works for everyone have them reach out to our Driftless Organizer Ben Wilson! [email protected]
Attend a Fair Maps Town Hall in Platteville,
Wednesday, September 18th, 6pm – 8pm
Platteville Public Library
225 West Main Street,
Platteville, Wisconsin
The Iowa People’s Presidential Forum, Saturday, September 21st
The 2020 elections must respond to the needs of people, not big money and wealthy corporations – this election is happening from the grassroots up. It all starts with presidential candidate forums held by People’s Action in four states and anchored in Iowa by Iowa CCI Action Fund.
No Bland Stump Speeches Allowed.
Candidates will be invited onstage for real conversations with everyday people about big solutions to the struggles facing the multiracial working class.
What Are We Talking About?
-Improved Medicare for All
-A Factory Farm Moratorium
-A 100% Just Green New Deal
-Homes Guarantee
-Free College for All
Saturday, September 21st
Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center
833 5th Ave, Des Moines, IA
Find out more and how you can attend.
Attend Climate Strikes!
This September 20th, millions of us will walk out of our workplaces, schools, and homes to join youth climate strikers on the streets and demand an end to the age of fossil fuels.
Strikers are demanding that Governor Evers, our county, and our city government declare a climate emergency.
Green Bay Climate Strike
Friday, September 20, 2019, 3 PM – 6 PM
301 N Washington St, Green Bay.
Appleton Climate Strike
Friday, September 20, 2019, 11 AM – 8 PM
Houdini Plaza
111 W College Ave, Appleton
“Opioid dealer settlement” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast
We talk about the lame duck session fallout, including Wisconsin not being among the two dozen states reaching a tentative settlement agreement against opioid seller Purdue Pharma. We also discuss the party of Trump’s alignment behind Tom Tiffany in the CD 7 special election, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel slamming Speaker Vos and Rep. Nygren for charging exorbitant fees for open records, and the Foxconing of UW-Madison. We review new NPR/Marist presidential primary poll and welcome Citizen Action co-op member State Representative Jodi Emerson to discuss her first year as a state legislator.
Listen Now – Episode #408
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