Citizen Action Weekly: Happy Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend

Citizen Action Weekly: Happy Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend

Happy Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend

Citizen Action Members Stand in Solidarity with Students on UWEC Campus Following Racist Threats.

On Monday, November 25th, several Citizen Action members joined students and faculty on the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire Campus to stand in solidarity as they protest the recent threats made against the student organization, Black Male Empowerment. Our members stood in observance and in the capacity of providing protection from negative feedback. The protest garnered approximately 350 students and community members as they stood silently in the middle of campus with signs decrying the lack of action from school administrators as well as a march to Chancellor Jim Schmidt’s office with a list of demands to make UW-EC more inclusive and more safe for students of color. Thank you to all of those who joined from Citizen Action and stood up for those marginalized in the community to let it be known that hate speech, of any kind, will not be tolerated.

Read more from Wisconsin Reporter

Southwest Wisconsin Co-op Recruitment update

Citizen Action of Wisconsin’s newest organizing co-op is almost fully formed!  We currently have 245 activists across southwest Wisconsin who have pledged to join.  If you know anyone who cares about healthcare for all and fighting climate change in the area please put them in contact with Ben at [email protected].  He would love to schedule a time to meet with them to discuss Citizen Action’s work to create a better tomorrow in Wisconsin.  If you have pledged to join us please take a moment to complete your membership by joining us at this website. It is very important as we move forward that members take a moment to complete their membership and fully join.

Also don’t forget to RSVP for the annual membership meeting December 7th from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.  Click here to RSVP in La Crosse (3460 Losey blvd)or click here to RSVP in the Madison area (500 Silent st in Verona).  Please feel free to invite anyone you know who is interested in learning more to the annual meeting.  The annual meeting will be a chance to celebrate Citizen Action’s victories and set an agenda as we move into the most important election of our lifetimes.  We want as many members (and people interested in learning more) on hand as possible. We want everyone to have a voice in planning our actions next year!

Are you interested in upgrading your home with energy efficient upgrades like solar panels, new insulation, new windows and new heating/cooling units?

If you are interested in saving money while reducing your own carbon emissions please take a moment to fill out this quick survey. You might be able to upgrade your home with solar panels and start saving money RIGHT AWAY!  Citizen Action of Wisconsin would love to help you.

Our “Green Homes, Good Jobs” campaign is designed to save people money, reduce our carbon footprint and create good, union jobs right now.  Fill out the survey and find out if we can help you!

Attend Citizen Action’s Annual Meeting, Saturday, December 7th, 1pm

The Citizen Action of Wisconsin Annual meeting will take place on Saturday, December 7th, the Washington Park Senior Center, 4420 W. Vliet St. Milwaukee.

Each regional organizing co-op will be having a meeting within their region at the same time,

We will connect with the meeting in Milwaukee to hear year in review from all the co-op, 2019 member awards, and then turn our meeting back to the regional co-ops. This meeting is open to non-members as well as members

RSVP for Southeastern (MKE) WI Annual Membership Meeting and Strategy Session

Citizen Action Northeast Organizing Co-op Annual Meeting and Strategy Session, December 7th @12PM

Join our organizing co-op as we gather for a membership social, an update on our statewide work in 2020, and a regional strategy session!

Fight climate change at home” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast

Happy Thanksgiving weekend! After discussing a new study finding Foxconn will likely depress economic activity in the state by tens of billions of dollars, we welcome Kevin Kane and Rafael Smith to discuss their organizing efforts to fight climate change at home in rural and urban Wisconsin.

Contact [email protected] to get involved in the campaign to support the Milwaukee climate task force.

Contact [email protected] to find out about how you can green your home anywhere in Wisconsin.

Facebook post of the week


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