Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, May 8th
Friday, May 8th
Citizen Action launches #WhoCaresForUs?
Watch new video ad.
Americans are stepping up to care for one another during this pandemic. Isn’t it time we had a government #WhoCaresForUs? We need our state leaders to pass new legislation that ensures working people who care for us have the equipment they need to stay safe and that all of us can access the COVID tests and treatment we need to get and stay well. Contact your state legislative representatives
Vote for Tricia Zunker for 7th Congressional District
Return your absentee Ballot today!
Your absentee ballot needs to be back to your municipal clerk by 8pm on election day. Either mail it back or drop it off with your municipal clerk so it gets there in time.
If you’re voting in person, make sure to take social distancing precautions. Polling places will be open in Congressional District 7 on May 12 from 7am to 8pm. To find your polling place, click here.
If you need additional help locating your absentee ballot or any other information about this election, call the Democratic Party of Wisconsin’s voter assistance hotline at 608-336-3232
To volunteer from home making calls to voters for Tricia contact [email protected]
“Politicians, not regular justices” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast
We discuss the damage the coronavirus is reaping, largely unmitigated by the federal government’s response, and the mounting reactionary/corporate pressure on state and local government to court disaster by prematurely scuttling social distancing. We review the shameful Wisconsin Supreme Court public hearing this week in the Vos-Fitzgerald lawsuit against Gov. Evers’ Stay at Home order. The tone and irrationality of the right-wing majority again embarrassed Wisconsin nationally, and revealed to the world a cabal of unethical politicians in robes masquerading as judges. We welcome Citizen Action co-op member Tricia Zunker to talk about her May 12th special election for the 7th Congressional District in Northern Wisconsin. We close with Citizen Action Northcentral WI Co-op steering committee chair Don Dunphy, to discuss the Citizen Action grassroots campaign for Zunker, and the importance of joining a regional co-op to build progressive power.
Learn more and join a Citizen Action’s Organizing Cooperative.
Listen Now – Episode #441
Download MP3
Citizen Action in the News
Executive Director Robert Kraig was on the Jeff Santos Show and discussed how to get a real progressive response to the pandemic. Listen here
Citizen Action has been in the news this week for our work to elect Jill Karofsky to the Wisconsin Supreme Court and to support Citizen Action co-op member Tricia Zunker in her run for Congress in the 7th District Special Election coming up Tuesday. While we are listed along with all the big spending by corporate interests and right-wing billionaires, it is not really an apples to apples comparison. Whereas big corporations and rich reactionaries like the Koch brothers are corrupting our democracy, Citizen Action is restoring democracy by empowering average people to have a voice and seek a better state and country. By this standard, it is really an apples to poison fruit comparison.
Movement Politics Conversation with Candidates: Health Care
Last Saturday, Citizen Action hosted a Zoom candidate conversation about healthcare. The conversations was led by Health Care for All Director, Claire Zautke and Executive Director Robert Kraig and organized by Movement Politics Director, JoAnna Bautch.
State Legislators and 2020 candidates participated in a conversation on integrating advocacy and policies that support healthcare as a fundamental human right within their campaigns.
This is the first of more conversations with candidates and legislators about healthcare and other important issues. The next candidate Zoom conversation will be about the NEW Race, Class, Narrative Project. It will be on Saturday, May 23rd at 10am. Contact: [email protected] for more information.
Citizen Action’s Movement Politics program develops, prepares, and supports new political leaders that will support people-centered leadership. To learn more, please contact JoAnna Bautch, Movement Politics Director [email protected].
Citizen Action of Wisconsin is helping to prevent layoffs by expanding Wisconsin’s “work sharing” program
The COVID19 crisis is crippling Wisconsin’s small businesses. Citizen Action of Wisconsin members has been leading an effort to protect jobs, guarantee paychecks, prevent layoffs, keep people on their health insurance and get people the money they need to make it through this crisis. We would like YOU to join our efforts.
Wisconsin’s unique “work sharing” program can help people RIGHT NOW! Work sharing allows businesses and nonprofits to reduce employee hours while keeping those employees on the company health insurance and allowing employees whose hours have been cut to collect prorated unemployment. This program also allows employees to receive the $600/week in additional unemployment funded by the federal government. For more information on work sharing as well as a video and an FAQ please visit this link.
In order to help families across Wisconsin we need to speak with employers and workers across the state. You can join our statewide outreach team by joining us for a weekly Zoom call every Thursday at 4:00 PM. For more information and to RSVP please visit the following link. You MUST RSVP in order to attend.
If you know of 5-10 people who might be interested in learning more about this program I would be happy to set up a small town hall over Zoom. Please reply to this email and pick a date/time for the town hall and we can get it set up.
Coffee with your Northeast WI Co-op: Covid-19 Relief, Saturday, May 9th, 10am
Grab your beverage of choice, comfy chair, and join our Citizen Action Co-op for coffee from the comfort of your own home!
Connect with other progressives and learn what Citizen Action is up to as we navigate this challenging time until we can meet at our favorite coffee shop again.
Co-op Organizer Noah Reif will share Citizen Action’s response to COVID-19 and how we can make organize on a local level to this extremely challenging time. If you are involved with another org and COVID-19 relief, feel empowered to share the work you are engaged in so we can support one another. The zoom link will be sent once you RSVP.
Join us for Northwestern Co-op Virtual Coffee with Your Co-op! May 11, 2020 @ 10:00am
Brew your favorite caffeinated (or not!) beverage and join your Northwestern Wisconsin Organizer, Breana, as she talks about Citizen Action’s work during the COVID-19 Pandemic and it’s rapid response for affordable and attainable healthcare as well as hearing about what members would like to work on during this time. This would be a great time for brainstorming and strategy building. The Zoom link will be provided via email after you register here for the event! See you then!
Health Care for All Co-Op Covid 19 Town Hall
This past Wednesday, the Co-Op sponsored a Town Hall to talk about how this is the time to push for change and how the pandemic has laid bare the inadequacies of our current healthcare system.
They talked about Citizen Action’s Theory of Change, addressing the 3 Faces of power. And framed the Covid 19 issue within that theory.
We have FIVE ways to be involved right now.
- Lobby around Who Cares for us (see above)
- Lobby the your Federal Representatives
Reach out to your House Representatives and call on them to co-sponsor the Medicare Crisis Program.
If you need a reminder, here an updated summary of the bill .
- Phone Bank for Tricia Zunker, CD 7 Congressional candidate
Email [email protected]
- Join the healthcare co-op and officially support us
- Listen to our weekly podcast to stay up to date on what is next (see above).
Join Us for a Zoom Call Addressing Climate & Equity through our Food System
Join our Citizen Action Climate Justice team for a panel discussion on May 21th, at 6:00 PM. The Zoom call will inform citizens and the City-County Task Force on Climate and Economic Equity, which has been charged with addressing long standing economic inequities in Milwaukee and what changes we need to be made to address climate change and inequality.
Panel members will help us explore:
- How does our food system promote climate change?
- How do we change our food system to mitigate climate change?
- What are the food inequities in Milwaukee?
- How do racial and economic inequalities affect health and access to healthy food?
- What can be done to address food insecurity and promote access to healthy food in Milwaukee?
Click here for more information and to RSVP.
Take Our Survey: Citizen Action of Wisconsin is leading a people powered COVID19 relief effort
Citizen Action of Wisconsin is crafting a response to the COVID19 crisis that will help put money in people’s pockets, reduce unemployment, reduce utility costs, help small businesses, expand healthcare, fight climate change and protect Wisconsin’s green business sectors.
Some of our programs might be able to help you right now! Please fill out this survey to find out if our programs can help you. Please feel free to share this survey with anyone struggling during this time. We would like to get as many people as possible to fill out this survey.