“Supreme Chaos” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast

We review this week’s lawless and partisan Supreme Court decision overturning Governor Tony Evers’ Safer at Home order and throwing Wisconsin into chaos. We discuss how local governments and their health departments are responding to protect people in their communities and why pressure must now be placed on Republican state legislators to fix their public health disaster. We talk about the new Marquette Law Poll which finds the presidential race in Wisconsin within the margin of error, and partisanship trumping facts in public perception of the pandemic. We also thank Citizen Action co-op member Tricia Zunker for running a strong race in the 7th Congressional District special election and out performing the district in the face of a massive infusion of right-wing cash for her opponent.

Listen Now – Episode #442
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Citizen Action Release: Partisan Supreme Court Further Divides Wisconsin When Unity is a Question of Life and Death.
Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down Tony Evers‘ stay-at-home order that closed businesses, schools to limit spread of coronavirus.
Wisconsin’s stay-at-home order has been overturned by the state Supreme Court; here’s how people are responding.
‘Blatant judicial activism’ as Wisconsin Supreme Court overturns Safer at Home.
Wisconsinites respond to Supreme Court tossing out Safer At Home.
Another 3 million Americans file for unemployment benefits.
New Marquette Law School Poll finds reduced but majority support for COVID-19 restrictions, while partisan divisions increase.
Tiffany wins 7th district by 14 points, less than Trump’s 20-point 2016 wins.
Most Wisconsin Democrats say they plan to vote by mail this year. Most Republicans say they plan to go the polls.

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