Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, June 19th
Happy Junteenth Day: Standing in Defense of Black Lives.
Watch excellent People’s Action video.
Join #sixnineteen events:
Attend a BLM event near you this weekend!
Checkout list of events in Wisconsin.
We will be attempting to post as many events on our facebook page. Please check our page for events near you. Citizen Action facebook page.
Also, check with your regional organizer about events in your region.
Citizen Action of Wisconsin launches new effort to create jobs and extend $600 a week unemployment bonus
Our country is suffering economically. 45 million people have filed for unemployment since the COVID-19 outbreak began. Many of those jobs are not coming back. We need action RIGHT NOW to put money into people’s pockets and create jobs from coast to coast.
Citizen Action of Wisconsin has officially launched a major lobbying effort to extend federal unemployment benefits AND pass legislation to create millions of federal subsidized jobs (many of which in the green energy sector).
On Thursday June 11th, Citizen Action hosted a virtual town hall with 53 of our members to roll out details of this major undertaking. Our members helped us craft a plan of how to organize around this important issue while keeping everyone safe during the age of COVID-19.
Very soon we will be announcing our next virtual town hall featuring our special guest speaker Senator Tammy Baldwin. We will also be announcing details soon about in-person town halls (with extra safety precautions, mandatory masks, and enforced social distancing) in La Crosse, Madison and Milwaukee. Keep an eye on your email for these announcements very soon!
In the meantime you can help RIGHT NOW. Please use this link to send an email directly to your representatives in the US Senate and the House letting them know you support extending the federal unemployment benefit and a federal jobs creation bill.
It is so vital that our elected leaders hear from us about this important issue. It only takes a few clicks to send the email directly from our website. Please take a moment to fill it out and PLEASE share the link to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, email, text and anywhere else you can! Change is possible; together we can create an economy that works for EVERY AMERICAN!
Brown County Board passes Fair Maps Referendum for November Ballot!
This week the Brown County Board of Supervisors passed, 15-10, a #FairMapsWI Referendum for the November ballot!
Voters will be asked: “Should the Wisconsin Legislature create a nonpartisan procedure for the preparation of legislative and congressional district plans and maps?”
The referendum passed in part thanks to the effort of Citizen Action Northeast WI co-op members Renee Gaush, Lindsay Dorff and other members. They have worked tirelessly for years to advance the cause of ending gerrymandering. They are the definition of community leaders!
Thanks to everyone who contacted their supervisors.
Brown County Board to discuss 100% clean energy, Tuesday, June 23rd!
The Brown County Board of Supervisors will discuss committing to 100 percent clean energy during its Planning, Development, and Transportation Committee meeting on Tuesday, June 23, and we need your help to ensure the resolution is voted out of committee and moves onto the full county board.
We need you to contact two important supervisors we need to convince. Just a couple minutes spent calling Supervisors Dave Landwehr and Ray Suennen to urge them to commit to 100 percent clean energy for county operations will bring us one step closer to realizing that goal.
Supervisor Dave Landwehr – 920-339-0792
Supervisor Ray Suennen – 920-662-1088
Sign petition in support.
Healthcare Co-Op Stands Up Against a Disastrous Pharmaceutical Company Merger
Last week members of Citizen Action had their say about a big pharmaceutical merger that is in the approval process with the Federal Trade Commission.
AbbVie bought out Allergan for $63 billion in one of the largest mergers in the healthcare sector. Both companies already had a history of anti-competitive behavior and price gouging. AbbVie manufactures Humira, a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and the world’s best-selling drug which has made the company $130 billion since its introduction 2003.
Because of the pandemic, most of our actions have been digital and this was no different. We had members officially register their comments with the FTC and urged the FTC to not approve the merger. Government is the only entity large enough to provide a counter balance to these ever expanding companies. We must demand that the Government work for us and to stop these giant monopolies from forming. Consolidation of these companies has never been proven to be a good thing for consumers.
Northwestern WI Co-op General Party Meeting – July 11, 2020 at 10:00am
Join us on Zoom on July 11, 2020 at 10am for a gathering of our Northwestern Wisconsin Co-op members!
We will be discussing what we have done so far this year, where we are heading, and what Citizen Action is doing for the 2020 elections.
Register in advance here for your Zoom link.
Share your COVID-19 Story
Are you or a family member in a COVID-19 high risk population? Have you or your family been economically affected by COVID-19? Have you gotten an outrageous bill from a COVID test? If so, please consider telling your story by emailing our story bank organizer Shannon at [email protected].
Bring Climate Equity to Wisconsin
Join Northside Rising and Citizen Action at a public hearing. Wisconsin has fallen behind other states in addressing climate change. A state task force is advising the Governor on strategies the state can take to fight global warming.
You can be part of this efforts to move Wisconsin forward by attending or speaking at one of the public hearings. Let our leaders know how we can make our state a healthier, safer, and more sustainable place to live. There are 5 scheduled online hearings:
- June 23, 6-9pm
- June 27, 12-3pm
- July 7th, 6-9pm
- July 9th, 6-9pm
- July 15th, 6-9pm
For more information, contact the co-op organizer at [email protected]
Citizen Action in the News
Citizen Action’s Robert Kraig was on the Jeff Santos radio show to discuss this week’s national political news. The show, which broadcasts from Boston daily, is coming soon to Milwaukee and Madison progeressive radio. Robert Kraig and our good friend John Nichols are both regular guests.
There was a story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about a federal court case brought by One Wisconsin Now and Citizen Action of Wisconsin against the photo ID law which still could strike it down before the November election.
“Fighting for anti-racist communities” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast
As America celebrates emancipation on Juneteenth Day 2020, our panel discusses the state and local responses to the Black Lives Matter movement, including the Milwaukee Common Council’s proposal to cut the police budget by 10% and Milwaukee Public School board’s move to remove police from the schools. We are also joined by State Representative Jonathan Brostoff to discuss shocking racism from elected officials and businesses in Menomonee Falls this week. Finally, we discuss two critical SCOTUS rulings, both major defeats for President Trump, on LGBTQ+ and immigrants’ rights. Do these surprising rulings throw cold water on the right’s plan to legislate through conservative judges?
Download Mp3
Facebook post of the week