“Forecast: Hot & Humid” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast
We discuss the latest Wisconsin Supreme court ruling upholding most of the Lame Duck power grab. The panel than moves to the deadly Wisconsin COVID-19 surge, and the movement towards mask mandates at the local level. Will Governor Evers pursue a state mask order? We tee-off on the troubling decision of the Wisconsin Department Health to withhold the names of businesses with multiple COVID-19 cases. Are they caving to Republican corporate interests? On a more positive note, we look at the bold New Deal-style jobs initiatives highlighted by U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin on a statewide townhall hosted by Citizen Action. Could it be used to protect family incomes, and jump start a green climate transition that also dramatically reduced racial inequality? We also discuss the looming July 25th cut-off of enhanced unemployment benefits, which would leave the unemployed and work-share participants high and dry. We close with an analysis of the just announced Biden-Sanders platform comprises aimed at party unification. Does it signal a new progressive-moderate alliance within the Democratic Party?
Listen Now – Episode #450
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Press Clips
Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds most lame-duck laws, throws out provisions on government documents.
Nearly Two-Thirds Of Wisconsin Counties Have A ‘High Level’ Of Coronavirus Activity
Wednesday Sees 598 New Cases Of COVID-19, Bringing 7-Day Average To 565 Daily Cases.
Wisconsin Has Fastest COVID-19 Spread In U.S.
Tony Evers signals he might try to mandate face masks statewide but expects a legal challenge.
Milwaukee citywide mask mandate now circulating through Common Council.
Mask ordinance to be considered for city of Green Bay.
Wisconsin won’t name businesses with multiple COVID-10 cases.
Senator Baldwin & Citizen Action Call for Bold COVID-19 Economic Relief.
6 Takeaways From the Biden-Sanders Joint Policy Proposals.
Biden, Sanders Release Progressive Unity Platform for Democratic Party.