Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, March 5th

Friday, March 5th

Request your absentee ballot today! 






Complete your plan to vote by Tuesday, April 6th.

Join us next weekend! “How to Have Conversations with People Who Don’t Agree With You” a Citizen Action of Wisconsin training event.

Register today to learn “How to Have Conversations with People Who Don’t Agree With You” led by the Citizen Action of Wisconsin Field Team and Organizing Staff on March 13th.

After this training you will be ready to lobby Joint Finance Committee Members around our 2021-2022 State Budget Demands, talk with persuadable voters headed into the Spring Gen Election, and have those challenging conversations with friends and family at the dinner table.

When: Saturday March 13th, 10:00am-12:00pm

Where: After you RSVP by signing up below, you will receive an email confirmation that includes the link to join the training on Zoom.
We will be sending out a full agenda and handouts prior to the training.

 Please RSVP here

Why do fair maps matter to you? Tell the People’s Maps Commission.

Your voice matters! You have a story to tell about why fair maps matter to you. We can help you hone it to have maximum impact. Join others who care about this issue and prepare to testify at the People’s Maps Commission hearing.

Register here:

Save the date! Transit Talk with Sen. Brad Pfaff on March 18th

Join us on Thursday, March 18 from 6 to 7 p.m. for an ONLINE forum with State Senator Brad Pfaff. Senator Pfaff serves on the Senate Committees on Transportation and Local Government. Agriculture and Tourism;  Economic and Workforce Development; Universities and Technical Colleges; and Utilities, Technology and Telecommunications.

There are many possible avenues of discussion, including the recommendations about public transportation made in the recently released Governor’s Task Force on Climate Change report, the Governor’s proposed 2021-2023 budget, the effects of COVID-19 on public transportation operations, new technology–from electric vehicles to public transit apps, and the role of a robust public transportation system in providing equitable access to jobs, education, recreation, services, and life for all regardless of location, wealth, health, age, and ability. We’ll hope Senator Pfaff can touch on some of these and we’ll be sure to leave time for your questions.
Register Now!

Spring 2021 Endorsed Candidates from the Driftless region

Mitch Reynolds – La Crosse Mayor

Mitch is willing to learn and listen while enacting progressive policies as mayor of La Crosse.  Mitch fully supports the creation of an on-bill financing program in La Crosse to lower residential carbon emissions.  Mitch is also cognizant of racial inequities and will work to make La Crosse a more inclusive city for all citizens no matter the color of their skin or who they love.  Mitch also understands that as mayor of La Crosse the decisions he makes will have a ripple effect throughout the entire Driftless region.
Learn more about Mitch.

Rebecca Schwartz – La Crosse City Council Ward 10

Rebecca grew up in the La Crosse area and is running for city council because she wants to make sure that La Crosse works for all of us, for generations to come. Rebecca is a working parent who is also a community advocate, educator, and organizer. She has 15+ years of experience supporting people to navigate complex systems and government services and knows how important it is to include the people who are most impacted by decisions at city hall in those decisions, from start to finish. Some of her guiding principles include:

  • Neighborhood revitalization that ensures our essential public spaces are safe and accessible for everyone.
  • Support for innovative city planning to meet our needs for affordable housing and grow our local economy.
  • Investment in a sustainable, energy efficient city that benefits residents for generations to come.
  • A commitment to accountability and transparency that focuses on community engagement and involvement.
  • A focus on collaboration and partnerships to help us recover from the pandemic together. 

 Volunteer to Support Rebecca For City Council
Learn more about Rebecca.

KC Cayo – La Crosse City Council Ward 9, write in

KC promises to be a young leader committed to moving La Crosse down a more inclusive, progressive path.  Their election will mark the first non binary elected leader in La Crosse history.  They will draw on their experience as a former field organizer to run a winning, write in campaign.  KC is a member of local CAW leadership and the statewide C4 board so we trust them to stand up for the values CAW represents.
Learn more about KC.

 Mark Neumann – La Crosse City Council Ward 13

Mark is one of the founding members of the Driftless co-op.  Mark is passionate about creating a more progressive future for La Crosse.  Mark is a well known figure in La Crosse and he will do everything in his power as a member of the La Crosse city council.
Learn more about Mark.

Annie Baumann – La Crosse School Board

Annie is a member of the Driftless co-op.  She has a progressive vision for the future of the La Crosse school board.  She believes that SROs do not belong in La Crosse schools.  She will serve as CAW’s first elected member of La Crosse school board.
Learn more about Annie.

Mackenzie Mindel – La Crosse City Council Ward 8

Mackenzie promises a bold, progressive vision for La Crosse. Throughout her education, Mackenzie’s focus has been on facilitation and collaboration, system-level problem solving, economic and environmental sustainability and resilience, and innovative engagement.
Learn More about Mackenzie.

Ben Wilson – Viroqua City Council Ward 5

Ben currently serves as the Driftless Co-op organizer with Citizen Action of Wisconsin.  He believes that EVERY community must stand committed to equity and fighting climate change.  He also believes that solutions are never one size fits all.  Rural solutions to the climate crisis must come from rural communities.  Ben will also be the first member of the LGBTQ+ community elected to office in Viroqua.
Learn More about Ben.


Announcement! Our final endorsements for the April 6th Spring Election

We are proud to announce our final endorsements for the Spring Election! Thank you to our members, board and staff for your support. Please keep an eye out for candidate volunteer opportunities to come and complete your plan to Vote by April 6th.













Endorsed Candidates by their Co-Op Region!







Citizen Action’s Robert Kraig spent a full hour on the Earl Ingram radio show to discuss what is wrong with conservatives, and what we can do to fight back. Listen here.

Citizen Action’s Robert Kraig was on the Jeff Santos show radio show to discuss whether progressives should have held out for the $15 Minimum Wage in COVID relief. Listen here.

The Shepherd Express did a nice feature story on Green Homeowners United, an affiliate of Citizen Action of Wisconsin which lines up low cost renewable energy and conservation loans. The project is led by former Citizen Action staffer, and now board member member Kevin Kane, and works in partnership with Citizen Action. Read about the project here

“Busting the filibuster or bust” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast
This week the U.S. House passed a landmark voting rights bill, which will could set up the first major filibuster fight in the U.S. Senate. Are progressive Democrats ready for this fight and similar battles on the $15 minimum wage, immigration reform, climate transformation, a major jobs and infrastructure bill, and other key pieces of Biden’s agenda? Will centrist Democratic Senators yield to majority rule by ending the filibuster, or will they block the progressive reform Democrats promised voters? QAnon Ron Johnson appears ready to lead the Senate Republican charge to block COVID relief for Americans, and the FBI shoots down his embarrassing theories about the Capital insurrection. We also preview the upcoming congressional fight for serious labor law reform which starts next week in the House. We close by welcoming State Representative Kristina Shelton and State Representative Francesca Hong’s chief of staff, Nada Elmikashfi, to discuss the new Economic Justice Bill of Rights for All Wisconsinites that was introduced this week.
Listen Now – Episode #482
Download Mp3
Press Clips

Facebook post of the week

Podcast streaming now! 

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