Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, April 2nd

Friday, April 2nd

Complete your plan to vote by April 6th


Health Care Week of Action – We’re Not Done Yet!

On Saturday, Citizen Action launched a Health Care Week of Action with a virtual press conference in Green Bay starring Lt. Governor Mandela Barnes, State Representative Kristina Shelton, State Representative Lee Snodgrass, and Northeast Co-Op member Renee Gasch. Since then, we’ve held events in Hudson, Eau Claire, and Wausau. 

As we continue to prioritize the health and safety of our communities, our week of action was completely virtual. We kicked off the week on Saturday in Green Bay. Monday, we fueled up for the week in Wausau. Tuesday we hosted our first ever joint Lobby Day with Main Street Alliance and Progress North! We heard from Gov. Tony Evers, JFC Member Sen. Latonya Johnson, and Small Business Committee ranking member Rep. Robyn Vining. We concluded this week’s virtual events on Thursday in Eau Claire  with a roundtable discussion.

But we’re not done yet! We still need you to take action by visiting our action pages to email your legislators in support of BadgerCare Expansion, prescription drug affordability, investing in caregivers, and a state public option. And next week we’re holding two more press conferences – one in Milwaukee and the other in LaCrosse – so keep your eyes peeled for more news stories about this important issue!

Tell Your Legislators To Support BadgerCare Expansion!

Even before the pandemic, tens of thousands of Wisconsinites struggled to afford health insurance, were forced to buy very low quality coverage, or went uninsured because they were forced to choose between health care and other essentials like housing and food. The pandemic has only made it worse. Many people in our community who lost their jobs or had their income affected by the pandemic also lost their health insurance. That’s why BadgerCare Expansion is now more important than ever. We have an opportunity to help our neighbors live healthy lives, no matter where they live, what they look like, or what’s in their wallets. 

It is critically important that we make our voices heard in support of this life saving policy. The Legislature will get pressure from corporations and the wealthy few who benefit from keeping health care costs high, but we can beat them! Tell your legislators that you demand they prioritize our health over special interest groups by supporting BadgerCare Expansion!
 You can use the link below to send an email to your State Senator and State Representative in support of the BadgerCare Expansion. You may use our template email, or customize it with your own story.
Thank you for taking the time to contact your legislators about this critical issue.
Contact your state representative now!


Attention Caregiving Advocates in the Healthcare Co-op

On Wednesday, March 31st, President Biden unveiled his jobs and infrastructure plan, which includes 400 billion for home and community based services. 

This is a big moment to rebuild a caregiving system that works for everyone, please let Congress know you support this initiative. 


Sign up for a lobby visit with Sen. Brad Pfaff to promote Badgercare Expansion 

Citizen Action of Wisconsin members will be meeting, virtually, with State Senator Brad Pfaff on April 15th at 3:00 PM to discuss the need to expand BadgerCare, control prescription drug costs and fund caregivers across the state.  

We are looking for passionate activists from State Senate District 32 to come and tell their personal story or just join the call to show support.  You can sign up to join this visit here. Your local organizer will follow up with you with more details and get you ready for the meeting.

Sign up to attend here and your organizer will follow up with you

Northwestern Wisconsin Leaders call for Badgercare Expansion, Prescription Drug Affordability, and Expanding Resources for Long-term Care.

This week the Northwestern WI Organizing Cooperative kicked off their healthcare week of action by hosting a press conference in Hudson, Wisconsin which is Represented by Rob Summerfield, a member of the Joint Finance Committee. Local leaders such as Summerfield’s 2020 opponent, Sarah Yacoub, former State Senator Patty Schachtner, and retired doctor Rita Simon all spoke about why the budget proposals in Gov. Tony Evers’ 21-23 budget is necessary to keep all Wisconsin communities healthy and thriving. 

The co-op ended the week with a healthcare round table with Senator Jeff Smith, Representative Jodi Emerson, and opening remarks by Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes. We heard from local therapist and mental health advocate, Kevin Fooley, in regards to the increase of mental health resources in the budget as well. 

TAKE ACTION NOW to expand Wisconsin’s commuter rails

Citizen Action of Wisconsin believes that Wisconsin needs modern rail service that connects rural and urban areas while providing transportation options that reduces the cars on our roads. 

Right now the Wisconsin DOT is considering expanding daily rail service between Chicago and Minneapolis. That route currently operates once a day, the proposal would increase service to twice a day. This would increase rail travel to communities like La Crosse, Portage and Wisconsin Dells and add additional service to Milwaukee.

This would be an important first step in creating a modern, statewide rail service. The DOT is collecting comments NOW through Friday April 9th about the proposed expansion. Click here to leave a comment for the DOT 

Celebrate Earth Month by competing in an Eco Challenge

April is Earth Month and it is time for each of us to take action to protect our planet! You can start by joining the Citizen Action of Wisconsin Driftless Co-op Eco Challenge team!

An Eco Challenge is a fun way to earn points while you take action to fight climate change.  Some actions are personal like recycling, offsetting your carbon footprint or installing LED light bulbs.  Some actions improve your community such as promoting mass transit or supporting community gardens.  Some involve taking action directed at our elected leaders.  You earn points with every action you take.  You also learn about the impact small actions can have!

 By joining our co-op Eco Challenge team you can compete with other teams or other team members.  You can see what actions everyone on the team is taking..  Signing up is quick and easy.  After the month is over you will have made a difference and hopefully added new habits to our daily routine that will help fight climate change

Click here to learn more our join our team!


Have you returned your absentee ballots? Complete your plan to Vote by April 6th.

Take Action to get the Medicines We Need!

The Healthcare Co-Op has been working on prescription drug prices.

For the past year, we have seen up close how our collective health relies on our health as individuals. We have experienced devastating gaps in access to treatment, and we know that the only path forward is affordable medication for everyone. But even now, as our country is just beginning to recover from a global pandemic, a Trump-era roadblock stands in our way.

Under Donald Trump, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) proposed a new rule that would make it harder for people in the U.S. to get the medicine we need. The proposed rule would end the government’s power to break pharmaceutical monopolies to stop abusive pricing for drugs invented through our tax dollars. 

We have an opportunity to stand up against this oppressive NIST rule. Please join us in opposing the rule, and demanding that the new administration act in the interest of everyday people.

Citizen Action Action Executive Director Robert Kraig was on the Jeff Santos show for the full hour to discuss progressive strategy on removing the filibuster to pass the bold reforms we need. Listen here

Citizen Action of Wisconsin leaders and members were the driving force in the very successful state budget Health Care Week of Action. In events across the state, Citizen Action leaders and progressive elected leaders made the case for BadgerCare Expansion, a BadgerCare Public Option, a Prescription Drug Affordability Board, and investments in caregiving. All of these provisions are in Governor Evers’ state budget now before the State Legislature. See news coverage from Up North News, Fox 11. The Health Care Week of Action press activities will continue next week! Keep an eye out for more stories next week as we continue to talk about the state budget’s the important investments in health care.

“Building 21st Century Infrastructure” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast

We dive into the exciting details of President Biden’s historic Build Back Better plan released Wednesday. Will it pass? Does it go far enough? Back in Wisconsin politics, we discuss next Tuesday’s Spring General Election and encourage listeners to volunteer this weekend for Jill Underly and local endorsed candidates. The panel evaluates the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s 4-3 decision to overturn Gov. Evers’ mask mandate. Is there a valid legal argument or are right-wing justices acting like politicians in robes? Claire updates us on this week’s Citizen Action Healthcare Week of Action focused on important state budget priorities. We also shine a light on Legislative Republican’s sham hearings peddling conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

Listen Now – Episode #486
Download Mp3

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