“COVID vaccine waiver” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast
We discuss the partisan vote in Wisconsin Joint Finance Committee which removed 280 publicly popular items from their state budget, including BadgerCare Expansion. Does this end the budget fight or is it really just getting started? Our panel talks about a Federal court ruling this week invalidating the CDC’s eviction moratorium. What is this Trump-appointed judge thinking? We also dig into why the green transition will largely exclude people of color and women if it does not include fundamental structural reform or our economic system. We welcome Tobita Chow from People’s Action to discuss President Biden’s bold move to suspend the patents of Big Pharma corporations to get generic COVID vaccines to the rest of the world. Is this the end or just the beginning of the fight with Big Pharma to prioritize lives over profits during the worst global pandemic in a century?
Listen Now – Episode #491
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Press Clips
TAKE ACTION contact your state legislator in support of BadgerCare expansion in the state budget.
- Some Wisconsinites rally in downtown Chippewa Falls for BadgerCare expansion.
- With budget vote, Republicans will create a $3.4 billion gap that will have to be closed this summer.
- GOP leaders to Evers: We’re spiking your budget, but come talk with us.
- Judge Strikes Down Federal Eviction Moratorium, Setting Up High-Stakes Appeal.
- Green jobs’ path to middle class, sustainability largely blocked to Native Americans.
- Biden commits to waiving vaccine patents, driving wedge with pharmaceutical companies.
- As U.S. COVID-19 Cases Drop, India Experiences A Crisis.