“Supreme Gerrymander” Battleground WI Podcast
We assess the damage of the State Supreme Court redistricting bombshell, imposing a radical gerrymander for WI Assembly and Senate districts for at least 2022, and perhaps until 2032. What are the implications for democracy, racial equity, and the progressive movement? Robert educates us on Governor Evers’ newly unveiled clean energy plan, the first serious move on climate in Wisconsin history. A Tax Day report on Wisconsin’s billionaires finds that their wealth grew by 50% or $19.7 billion in the two short years since the COVID pandemic began. Is the politics finally aligned for making Billionaires pay their fair share in taxes, through President Biden’s proposed Billionaires tax or other means? We welcome award winning Wisconsin Examiner journalist Isiah Holmes to talk about a new report quantifying that shocking percentages of Wisconsin’s Black and Hispanic renters are behind in their rent payment and at risk of eviction. Why is this happening, and what can be done?
Show links:
- Editorial | Brian Hagedorn’s shameful abandonment of Wisconsin democracy and racial equity.
- Redistricting expert: There are few competitive districts in new Wisconsin Assembly map.
- Citizen Action Tax Day Report.
- Advocates use Tax Day to push for progressive tax policy changes. Billionaires, corporations put in the spotlight amid growing wealth gap.
- On Tax Day, group claims Wisconsin billionaires not paying fair share.
- Report: Black and Hispanic renters are struggling in Wisconsin.