Are You Ready!
People like to say they don’t want to get involved in politics because politics “has nothing to do with their daily lives”. But we know that’s simply not true. Politicians make decisions that affect our lives each and every day.
We need more folks in this movement who are in the community, who look like us, who come from the working class and aren’t billionaires, who are ready to build and co-govern with us. This is what movement politics and building a bigger we means to Citizen Action of Wisconsin and People’s Action.
In order to create more inclusive campaigns, stronger campaign environments, and continually growing and meaningful movements, the power and decision making dynamics need to change throughout the state of Wisconsin. That our voices need to be heard throughout campaigns and by candidates, not just on Election Day but in the halls where the strategic decisions are being made.
If you are interested in being part of the Movement Politics program, including (but not limited to) running for office, running campaigns, or changing the way politics works AND looks like in Wisconsin, let us know! Contact Movement Politics Director Priscilla Rose Bort at priscilla.bort@
Learn more about Citizen Action of Wisconsin’s Champions: https://www.citizenactionwi.
Learn more about People’s Action Movement Politics Champions: