Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday, October 19, 2018 Citizen Action members join Mandela Barnes and former HHS director Kathleen Sebelius at media conference   Highlight importance of the ACA’s ban on discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions. Denise Patton, a Citizen Action co-op member and small business owner, flanked by fellow co-op members, Mandela Barnes & former US HHS director Kathleen Sebelius, sharing how…

Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, October 12th, 2018

Friday, October 12th, 2018 Scott Walker Misleading Voters With Health Care Cost Reduction Claims Walker’s election year plan impacts a tiny fraction of health consumers, is dwarfed by premium reductions in neighboring Minnesota, and does not make up for cost of his sabotage After 7 years of working to sabotage the Affordable Care Act in Wisconsin, Scott Walker is making…

Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday, October 5, 2018 Northeast Cooperative hosts Fair Maps Town Hall in Oshkosh In preparation for the November referendum on nonpartisan redistricting in Winnebago County members of Citizen Action, the League of Women Voters – Winnebago County, and others in the Fair Maps Coalition organized a town hall to educate voters on this important issue. Sachin Chheda, director of the…

Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday, September 28, 2018 Citizen Action and SOPHIA/WISDOM attend national conference on addiction Citizen Action of Wisconsin Organizing Director Angelique Rogers and SOPHIA Youth Activist Maria Barajas represented Wisconsin this week at Community Catalyst’s 2018 Gathering for Action on Addiction in Atlanta. The convening included structured roundtable conversations in which participants from across the country harnessed their collective energy and…

Cirtizen Action Weekly: Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday, September 21, 2018 Walker’s Bait and Switch on Pre-existing Condition Discrimination Becomes Dominant Issue in Governor’s Election Scott Walker’s declaration last week that he would protect people with pre-existing conditions from discrimination is in sharp contrast to his actual record as governor and any policy proposal he has made to date, raising the specter that he is deliberately misleading…

Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, September 14th

Friday, September 14th Citizen Action hits the doors for members running for office With Labor Day long gone, the fall general election is heating up with only 2 months left until Election Day on November 6th. Last weekend Citizen Action members started hitting the doors in support of Organizing Cooperative members who are running for State Legislature. In Milwaukee members…

Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, September 7th

Friday, September 7th Tammy Baldwin Signs Pledge to Protect Wisconsinites with Pre-existing Conditions Wednesday evening U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin signed a pledge issued by Citizen Action Wisconsin to protect Wisconsinites with pre-existing conditions. Citizen Action of Wisconsin, which brings together health professionals and patients from across the state, called on U.S. Senate candidates Sen. Tammy Baldwin and State Sen. Leah…

Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, August 31st

Friday, August 31st Happy Labor Day Weekend: Attend a Labor Day event near you! On Labor Day, we recognize and honor the achievements of all of America’s working people.Celebrate with your union brothers and sisters and community members around the state as we honor all who labor. This weekend take some time to attend a Labor Day event in your…

Citizen Action Weekly: August 13th – 17th

Week of August 13th – 17th Progressives Win Big in Wisconsin Primary Robert Kraig Mandela Barnes, Marisabel Cabrera, Jeff Smith and Sarah Godlewski: remember these names. These four members of Citizen Action Wisconsin, who all won primary races Tuesday night by wide margins, are proof the blue wave Democrats hope will crest in November continues to rise.

Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, August 3, 2018

Friday, August 3, 2018 Walker Plan Does Not Make Up for Cost of Sabotage Governor Scott Walker is touting the approval by the Trump Administration of his complicated health insurance scheme that does not even begin to make up for the cost of ongoing efforts to sabotage the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Walker’s complicated scheme called “reinsurance” funnels $200 million…