Citizen Action endorses Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive
For Immediate Release: January 29, 2020
Contact: Robert Kraig (414) 322-5324 [email protected]
Citizen Action endorses Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive
Announces more key endorsements in Milwaukee area spring elections
Milwaukee: Today Citizen Action of Wisconsin, a statewide membership group headquartered in Milwaukee, announced its endorsement of state Senator Chris Larson for Milwaukee County Executive. Additional spring election endorsements we would like to highlight include candidates in three key Milwaukee Common Council races: State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa in the 8th district; Marina Dimitrijevic in the 14th district; and Fred Royal in the 7th district.
In the hotly contested Milwaukee County Executive race, Citizen Action members and board leaders decided that Senator Larson, who is a Citizen Action member, made the strongest and most comprehensive case for bold reform of county government. “Chris Larson would be the first progressive Milwaukee County Executive in modern history,” said Robert Kraig, Executive Director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin. “Local Citizen Action members are particularly excited about Senator Larson’s strong support for using the power of county government to address the climate crisis in a way that provides living wage jobs for people currently locked out of economic opportunity.”
While we are endorsing Larson, Citizen Action members also were impressed with Milwaukee County Executive candidate State Representative David Crowley, and believe he would also be a solid progressive leader for Milwaukee County.
In the 14th Common Council District, Citizen Action is endorsing Marina Dimitrijevic. “As our County Supervisor, Marina Dimitrijevic has led the way to reduce the county’s environmental footprint,” said Kraig. “She authored Milwaukee County’s Greenprint and her plan to eliminate forever plastics will make an enormous impact in keeping our waterways clean. At City Hall, I know she will be a partner in our efforts to win a Milwaukee Green New Deal which dramatically reduces community-wide greenhouse emissions and creates family supporting jobs for those who need them most.”
In the 8th Common Council District, Citizen Action is endorsing State Representative JoCasta Zamarripa, who is a member of our board of directors. “In this majority people of color southside district we believe JoCasta will do a tremendous job of bringing the diverse voices of the area to City Hall,” said Kraig. “We also believe that Zamarripa will be a strong progressive leader who will fight for Citizen Action’s climate and racial equity agenda.”
While Citizen Action is endorsing JoCasta Zamarripa, members and board leaders concluded that her opponent Justin Bielinski is aligned with our values, and also would be a positive voice at City Hall.
Citizen Action also made endorsements in a number of other Milwaukee Common Council and County Board races, as well as the Milwaukee Comptroller and Wauwatosa mayoral races.
Milwaukee area endorsements
- Milwaukee County Executive
- Chris Larson
- Milwaukee Comptroller
- Alex Brower
- Wauwatosa Mayor
- Dennis McBride
City of Milwaukee Common Council
- District 5
- Nikiya Dodd
- District 7
- Fred Royal
- District 8
- JoCasta Zamarripa
- District 11
- Peter Burgelis
- District 14
- Marina Dimitrijevic
Milwaukee County Board
- District 1
- Liz Sumner
- District 2
- Sequanna Taylor
- District 12
- Sylvia Ortiz-Velez
- District 15
- Eddie Cullen
The Primary Election is Tuesday, February 18th and the General Election is Tuesday, April 7th.