Candidate Endorsements for November 2024 Election
2024 is a generational opportunity for progressives to change the State Legislature in Wisconsin. Following new legislative maps, there will be more Democrats elected this November.
The key question is how many progressive Democrats will win their elections.
Citizen Action members can play a huge role in both. We need you to succeed in November!
Like all previously endorsed candidates, all of these endorsed candidates completed a Citizen Action 2024 candidate questionnaire, were interviewed by Citizen Action members from the regional organizing cooperative, and recommended for endorsement to our Board. All endorsements are then voted on and approved by the statewide Citizen Action of Wisconsin Board.
There will be more State Legislative candidate endorsements announced in September.
Please contact the organizer listed for each candidate to get active talking to voters in support of our endorsed candidates.
Read more about endorsement of Kamala Harris for President.
Congressional District 3 – Rebecca Cooke
Rebecca Cooke represents the best opportunity to pick up a U.S. House seat in Wisconsin, and the 3rd CD is a top target of House Democrats to win in November and regain a majority.
Rebecca Cooke believes healthcare is a human right – and the biggest issue that we need to tackle as a nation. Cooke will fight for all Wisconsinites to have access to quality, affordable healthcare.
Cooke is a strong supporter of organized labor. She will actively work to pass the PRO Act, and support Davis-Bacon prevailing wage protections.
Cooke supports investing in mass transit, specifically high-speed rail connecting west central Wisconsin to bigger marketplaces – increasing tourism and lowering emissions from commutes.
Cooke will also support regulating our biggest corporate polluters.
To get involved helping elect Rebecca Cooke, contact: [email protected] (Eau Claire area) or [email protected] (Stevens Point area)
Learn more about Rebecca Cooke.
Congressional District 8 – Dr. Kristin Lyerly
Dr. Kristin Lyerly is a sixth-generation Wisconsinite, OB/GYN physician, and would be the first woman elected to Wisconsin’s 8th
Congressional District.
Dr Lyerly is running for Congress because the current healthcare system isn’t working for anyone, and as a practicing physician, Kristin
has seen how much these health care costs are climbing year after year.
As a member of Congress, Kristin will work to lower prescription drug
prices, and advocate for reforms to the healthcare system that allow
Wisconsinites to get the care they need, at costs they can afford.
Dr. Lyerly will help lead the fight to protect reproductive rights across the country.
Dr. Lyerly believes no one should be forced to decide between putting
food on the table, and getting the medication they need. This means she
will fight in Congress to lower the costs of healthcare, housing, and
child care, while fighting for a more progressive tax system.
She is also very supportive of unions and immigrant rights.She will work closely with Citizen Action members while in Congress.
To get involved helping elect Kristen Lyerly, contact: [email protected]
Learn more about Dr. Kristin Lyerly.
Senate District 24 – Collin McNamera
Collin McNamera grew up in Central Wisconsin and attended the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He believes hard work needs to be respected and that the economy should work for the middle class that built it – not just the 1%.
Colin agrees with Citizen Action that health care is in a state of crisis in Central Wisconsin. From mental health to reproductive health care, Collin will advocate to increase access to affordable health care. Collin supports creating an alternative to predatory health insurance companies, a BadgerCare Public Option, with lower premiums and no claims denials.
Collin will fight to cut greenhouse gas emissions, expand clean energy, and require fossil fuel corporations and utilities to do their part. He will also ensure fighting climate change creates good union jobs.
Collin wants everyone in Wisconsin to feel protected in their homes and will work creatively and innovatively to keep our neighborhoods safe.
To get involved helping elect Collin McNamera, contact: [email protected]
Learn more about Collin McNamera.
Assembly District 7: Karen Kirsch
As a long time progressive activist and healthcare organizer with Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Karen Kirsch is well prepared to be a state representative.
Karen is a true healthcare champion. Karen will fight to expand Badgercare healthcare coverage to more working people and small businesses in the state by supporting a BadgerCare Public Option. In addition, she wants paid family leave and expanding access to child care.
“We can’t build healthy communities if we don’t have healthy people. In Madison, I’ll fight for Badgercare Expansion, a BadgerCare Public Option, and Prescription Drug Reform because no one should have to worry about going bankrupt because they got sick.
In addition to fighting for healthcare for all, I’ll protect a woman’s right to choose and funding for our public schools.” – Karen Kirsch
Karen will also be a strong supporter of workers’ and their unions and will fight for better funding of our public schools, not unaccountable voucher schools.
Learn more about Karen Kirsch.
To get involved helping elect Karen Kirsch with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 10: Representative Darrin Madison
State Representative Darrin Madison has a proven voting record as a progressive leader in the Assembly. As a lifelong organizer, he has consistently stood in defense of progressive values and social justice. His state legislative record and core values completely align with the Citizen Action’s platform.
Darrin is a co-sponsor of key Citizen Action healthcare legislation calling for expanding healthcare coverage and reducing costs. Darrin will be a leader on our campaign to regulate monopolistic hospitals and health systems.
Darrin is a leader in pushing the state to reform Wisconsin’s criminal justice system, including reevaluating what actually makes us safe and reducing Wisconsin’s outrageously high prison populations.
Learn more about Darrin Madison.
To get involved helping elect Darrin Madison with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 13: Robyn Vining
State Representative Robyn Vining is a leader in the Assembly on healthcare. She is a co-sponsor of the BadgerCare Public Option bill that will greatly expand access to working people and small businesses. She also wrote legislation to cap prescription drug costs, and fought to improve access to mental health. Robyn supports legislation to improve maternal and infant health outcomes and reduce health outcome disparities for women and babies of color.
Robyn will continue her fight to adequately fund our public schools, not private voucher schools. She will work to restore the Wisconsin Idea of providing high quality education to all of our citizens.
Most importantly, Robyn works collaboratively with Citizen Action to accomplish her goals.
Learn more about Robyn Vining.
To get involved helping elect Robin Vining with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 14: Angelito Tenorio
Angelito Tenorio has a political and organizing background, Angelito is a former West Allis Alderperson. Angelito will prioritize combating climate change, investing in our public schools, increasing affordable housing, expanding healthcare coverage and lowering costs, while supporting good-paying union jobs.
Angelito’s experience as an alderperson in West Allis prepares him well for the state assembly. While an alder, Angelio concluded Wisconsin needs a more progressive tax system to adequately fund our priorities and local government. He saw firsthand the problem of having underfunded city services.
“Together, we can advocate for good-paying union jobs and expand access to healthcare, mental health resources, and childcare. I will support affordable housing initiatives. I believe in investing in our kids, teachers, and public schools. I will prioritize combating climate change and protecting our environment. I will fight for workers, social justice, reproductive rights, civil rights, racial equity, and LGBTQIA+ rights.” – Angelito Tenorio
Learn more about Angelito Tenorio.
To get involved helping elect Angelito Tenorio with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 15 – Sarah Harrison
Sarah Harrison isn’t your typical politician. Sarah is a fierce advocate for progressive values. With unwavering dedication, Sarah is prepared to shake up the status quo in the state Legislature. From championing reproductive rights, to fighting for affordable child care, she’s not afraid to tackle the tough issues head-on.
Citizen Action is excited about Sarah’s commitment to making sure everyone has affordable healthcare, including for mental health and substance use. Sarah will work with Citizen Action members to pass an alternative to predatory health insurance companies, a BadgerCare Public Option, with lower premiums and no claims denials.
Sarah will work with Citizen Action members to return control of healthcare decisions to patients and their medical professionals by requiring public oversight of unaccountable hospital chains to address the price gouging and devastating closures that threaten access to the care we need.
To get involved helping elect Sarah Harrison, contact: [email protected]
Learn more about Sarah Harrison.
Assembly District 18 – Margaret Arney
Citizen Action is proud to endorse Margaret Arney who is a self described Progressive Democrat, who is 100% Pro-choice and 100% Pro-union.
Margaret will fight hard to restore reproductive rights for every Wisconsinite, and create a system with true access to affordable, quality healthcare statewide. She is committed to work with Citizen Action members and other state legislators to create public oversight of unaccountable hospital chains to address the price gouging and devastating closures that are confronting many communities.
Margaret says unions are the backbone of Wisconsin, “It is time for politicians in Madison to stop attacking the rights of working families. She says, strong unions build our infrastructure, and lead in maintaining our health and thriving communities.
We need leaders that protect Wisconsin’s best asset – our citizens. I pledge to fight for IVF and reproductive healthcare rights, and protect our environment as a loud advocate for our parks and wild spaces. I am a Wisconsin mom, and a proud supporter of our schools, and the neighborhoods that make our wider Milwaukee-area family uniquely blessed.”
To get involved helping elect Margaret Arney, contact: [email protected]
Learn more about Margaret Arney
Assembly District 19: Representative Ryan Clancy
State Representative Ryan Clancy has a proven voting record as a progressive leader in the Assembly. As a lifelong activist, organizer and advocate, he has consistently stood in defense of economic and civil rights and social justice.
His record and values completely align with the Citizen Action’s platform. Ryan has a strong understanding of our policies and issues and helps lead on advocating for them.
Ryan will continue to lead the fight for a state budget that finally meets the state’s obligation to give every kid a great public education.
Ryan is a leading supporter of new legislation calling for public oversight of unaccountable hospital chains to address the price gouging and devastating closures in the Milwaukee area and around the state that are threatening access to the care we need.
Learn more about Ryan Clancy.
To get involved helping elect Ryan Clancy with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 21 – David Marsteller
Citizen Action is excited about David Marstellar’s potential as a leader on healthcare reform in the state Legislature. David’s top issue is healthcare for all and making it affordable. David had a life saving heart transplant that has made him committed to improving the system in Wisconsin.
David also knows that hospital monopolies that dominate our communities are not really nonprofits and will work with Citizen Action to help with developing legislation to hold them accountable to the public. .
David will make sure our public schools are better funded by the state and will oppose the private voucher program. In addition, David is dedicated to supporting affordable housing and childcare.
“As the recipient of a life-saving heart transplant, I know firsthand how difficult it is for families to get the care they need and deserve- especially as politicians in Madison put special interests above the people they’re supposed to serve. I am running for assembly to work for our communities and pursue common sense solutions, and improve quality of life.” – David Marstellar
To get involved helping elect David Marstellar, contact: [email protected]
Learn more about David Marstellar
Assembly District 26 – Joe Sheehan
Joe Sheehan believes public schools are the backbone of our society and will prioritize changing Wisconsin’s school funding formula to ensure every public school has the resources to educate our kids.
Joe says the U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe V. Wade was wrong and it is time to ensure women have the right to safe and accessible reproductive health care. In the legislature, Joe will fight to make sure that women can make their own reproductive healthcare decisions, free from government interference and restrictions.
Joe supports immediately expanding BadgerCare with the available federal dollars to provide healthcare to tens of thousands of Wisconsinites. Joe
Joe says the state legislature has failed to protect our water supplies from chemicals like PFAS contamination, failed to act on clean energy, and failed to fund important conservation projects. Joe will make these issues priorities.
To get involved helping elect Joe Sheehan, contact: [email protected]
Learn more about Joe Sheehan
Assembly District 30: Alison Page
This district is an important opportunity to flip a former gerrymandered Republican seat to Democratic.
Alison Page spent her career in health care, first as a nurse and later rising to leadership as CEO of Western Wisconsin Health. She’s made a career of strengthening rural health care. Alison is centering making health care more accessible and more affordable, and strengthening our rural hospitals in her campaign.
Alison’s healthcare experience will be invaluable as we fight for BadgerCare Expansion, the BadgerCare Public Option Bill, and hospital accountability legislation. In addition, Alison will focus on lowering costs for working families, particularly costs on basic necessities like groceries and child care.
Learn more about Alison Page.
To get involved helping elect Alison Page with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 35 – Elizabeth McCrank
Elizabeth McCrank is a long-time healthcare activist who has worked with Citizen Action on expanding access to BadgerCare, speaking at media events and to lawmakers. Elizabeth helped place an advisory referendum on the ballot in support of BadgerCare expansion.
She will also make restoring the right to an abortion a priority.
Elizabeth will fight to adequately fund our public schools, not private voucher schools. She will work to restore the Wisconsin Idea of providing high quality education to all of our citizens.
Elizabeth will fight to cut greenhouse gas emissions, expand clean energy, and require fossil fuel corporations and utilities to do their part. She will also ensure fighting climate change creates good union jobs.
To get involved helping elect Elizabeth McCrank, contact: [email protected]
Learn more about Elizabeth McCrank.
Assembly District 54: Representative Lori Palmeri
State Representative Lori Palmeri is a proven progressive leader in the Assembly from Oshkosh. Lori has been a consistent supporter of Citizen Action’s key legislative proposals, specifically on healthcare. She was a courageous vote against the half a billion in taxpayer money giveaway to the Brewers’ owner.
Representative Palmeri is a co-sponsor of the BadgerCare Public Option bill that will greatly expand access to working people and small businesses. Additionally, she will fight for policies that expand support for mental health.
Lori is outraged by the Republican Legislature’s failure to develop a strategy to address Wisconsin’s low road economy of rising inequality and a shrinking middle-class. She will fight for a high road economy in which state policies facilitate the creation of family supporting, living wage jobs and a progressive tax code based on ability to pay.
Lori has seen first hand how state government’s failure to keep its commitment to public schools results in higher local property taxes. She will continue her fight to adequately fund our public schools, not private voucher schools.
To get involved helping elect Lori Palmeri, contact: [email protected]
Learn more about Representative Lori Palmeri.
Assembly District 61: LuAnn Bird
This district is an important opportunity to flip a former gerrymandered Republican seat to Democratic.
LuAnn Bird is the former Executive Director for the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin. She is currently a school board member for the Whitnall School District and lives in Hales Corners where she is a caregiver for her husband.
LuAnn will be a leader in the Assembly fighting for proper funding for public schools in the next state budget so school districts are forced to go to local referendums to fund basic school services. She also wants to see an end to the private voucher program that is taking money away from public schools.
LuAnn backs a BadgerCare Public Option to ensure more working people and small businesses have access to comprehensive and affordable healthcare coverage.
LuAnn supports making voting easier, not harder. She also supports implementing a permanent way to draw fair maps.
Learn more about LuAnn Bird.
To get involved helping elect LuAnn Bird with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 62: Angelina Cruz
Angelina Cruz is a 20 year educator in the Racine Public School District and is the current president of the Racine Educators Association (REA). Angelina’s focus will be on properly funding public schools in the state and starting to make up for over a decade of the state failing to find our schools at the rate of inflation and therefore causing reduced investment in our children’s future. Changing the public school funding formula is one of her key policy priorities.
Angelia will be a strong supporter of labor rights as the key to improving our economy and the well being of workers and their families.
Angelia will work closely with Citizen Action and its members on expanding access to BadgerCare health coverage to more people and fighting climate change in a way that produces the most good paying, union green jobs for our communities.
Learn more about Angelina Cruz.
To get involved helping elect Angelina Cruz with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 66: Greta Neubauer
State Representative Greta Neubauer has demonstrated clear leadership abilities as the current Minority Leader for the Assembly Democrats.
Greta has committed to working with Democrats across the state to ensure that they have the majority in the next State Legislature so we can start to pass progressive legislation in the 2025-26 session. Greta helped recruit over 120 Democratic State Assembly candidates who are running in 97 of the 99 districts!
Greta will work closely with Citizen Action and our members to pass key pieces of legislation, including fully funding public schools, a BadgerCare Public Option, and addressing climate change and creating good, union green jobs.
Learn more about Greta Neubauer.
To get involved helping elect Greta Neubauer with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 71: Vinnie Miresse
Vinnie Miresse currently serves on the Portage County Board of Supervisors, and is very active in the greater Stevens Point community. He is very supportive of Citizen Action’s platform.
Vinnie is committed to accepting federal medicaid money to expand BadgerCare, and offer a Badgercare Public Option to small businesses and the uninsured. Vinnie also will support efforts to bring hospital and health system accountability to communities in Wisconsin.
Vinnie is also very committed to get to 100% renewable energy by the year 2050 or sooner.
Learn more about Vinnie Miresse.
To get involved helping elect Vinnie Miresse with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 73 – Angela Stroud
From birth control and abortion care to the right to have a safe and healthy pregnancy, Angela Stroud will fight to expand access to high-quality, affordable healthcare in northern Wisconsin. She supports a BadgerCare Public Option to help make it happen.
Angela will make improving access to affordable housing a major priority. She says housing is most people’s biggest expense, and housing costs have been the single biggest driver of inflation in recent years. Angela feels too many elected officials fail to center this critical need and she will lead.
Angela will make fully funding public schools in the next state budget job #1. She will fight to restore collective bargaining for public employees and fix our broken school funding formula.
To get involved helping elect Angela Stroud, contact: [email protected]
Learn more about Angela Stroud.
Assembly District 76 – Representative Francesca Hong
Citizen Action is proud to endorse Representative Francesca Hong because of her strong progressive track record in the state Assembly and her commitment to work closely with our members to achieve our shared agenda, including fully funding public schools, a BadgerCare Public option, and a green, clean energy future.
Francesca has spent time listening, building relationships and learning from diverse perspectives and communities across Wisconsin. Her profound understanding of the struggles of working-class people and their families contributes to her ongoing commitment to creating climate and environmental, racial, and economic justice.
She works tirelessly, fighting for a future the people of Wisconsin deserve. That includes a government that actually represents the people, and honors the potential of all our communities.
Francesca fights for a pro-family, pro-worker, pro-freedom agenda. From the Economic Justice Bill of Rights to Healthy School Meals for All, Paid Family Medical Leave and Unrestricted Abortion Access she knows these are the policies that build a Wisconsin that works for everyone.
This election season Francesca is committed to helping elect other progressive Democrats in the assembly to help gain a Democratic majority to pass our shared agenda.
Learn more about Representative Francesca Hong.
Assembly District 85: Yee Leng Xiong
This district is an important opportunity to flip a former gerrymandered Republican seat to Democratic.
Yee Leng Xiong is a member of the NC Organizing Co-op. He is a leader in the Hmong community and has served the wider community as well. Yee Leng currently serves on the Village of Weston Board as well as the Marathon County Board of Supervisors.
Yee Leng will champion public education funding. He will fight for a state budget that finally meets the state’s obligation to give every kid a great public education.
Yee Leng will work to create an alternative to predatory health insurance companies, a BadgerCare Public Option, with lower premiums and no claims denials.
Yee Leng will also prioritize removing lead pipes and remediating contaminated areas in our communities
Learn more about Yee Leng Xiong.
To get involved helping elect Yee Leng Xiong with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 86: John Small
John Small supports the Citizen Action platform, and committed to fostering a co-governing relationship with Citizen Action members. John has a long history of working in local government, which gives him an edge in terms of the relationships that he has in the rural communities in his district.
John supports accepting the federal money to expand Medicaid in Wisconsin and the BadgerCare Public Option which would provide comprehensive affordable healthcare coverage to small businesses and working people.
John supports our Climate Action plan which will commit Wisconsin to meet a 40% reduction in carbon by 2030, with the goal of creating good, union green jobs. He has a track record of advocating for clean water at the local level. John also supports criminal justice reform that seeks to lower the state’s high incarceration rates, which is double Minnesota’s.
Learn more about John Small.
To get involved helping elect John Small with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 89: Ryan Spaude
This district is an important opportunity to flip a former gerrymandered Republican seat to a Democratic seat.
Ryan Spaude is the fifth generation of his family to live in northeast Wisconsin. He grew up in Little Suamico, and I went to public school in grades K-12. I currently work as a prosecutor in the Brown County District Attorney’s Office.
As a product of public schools, Ryan Spaude will fight for a state budget that finally meets the state’s obligation to give every kid a great public education.
Ryan recognizes the value of working with community leaders and other organizations in order to advance our shared priorities, and will work with Citizen Action members to accomplish our shared progressive goals. We agree with Ryan that the Legislature needs leaders who will take action.
Ryan believes the historic $7 billion budget surplus is an opportunity to raise the minimum wage, fully fund the Child Care Counts Program, and finally expand BadgerCare. We agree.
Learn more about Ryan Spaude.
Assembly District 91: Representative Jodi Emerson
State Representative Jodi Emerson has served the Eau Claire community in the State Assembly since 2019, and has been a consistent member of Citizen Action of Wisconsin.
Jodi has worked closely with Citizen Action on a variety of issues, including co-sponsoring the BadgerCare Public Option Bill. Jodi will continue to prioritize making child care more affordable and addressing the housing crisis facing many Wisconsin communities, including Eau Claire.
Jodi is a hard-working candidate, with a strong campaign team, and has already raised $100,000 and is ready to win re-election.
Learn more about Jodi Emerson.
To get involved helping elect Jodi Emerson with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 93: Christian Phelps
This Assembly district is an important opportunity to flip a former gerrymandered Republican seat to a progressive Democratic seat.
Christian Phelps was born and raised in Eau Claire. He has been an advocate for the Chippewa Valley community for over a decade as a community organizer and tireless advocate for our public schools. Christian was instrumental in the passage of recent local school referendums to support students and educators.
Christian will fight for a state budget that finally meets the state’s obligation to give every kid a great public education, and NO school district is forced to go to a referendum to fund what our kids need
Christian has a breadth of knowledge on many progressive issues, including the environment, healthcare, criminal justice reform, and strengthening democratic institutions.
Christian says it best, “I’m proud to be the pro-public candidate: pro-public education, pro-public land, pro-public health, pro-public participation in democracy.
Learn more about Christian Phelps.
To get involved helping elect Christian Phelps with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Assembly District 94 – Representative Steve Doyle
State Representative Steve Doyle is a critical swing vote, and must win seat for Democrats who want to win a majority. Steve has a campaign prepared to win the La Crosse area seat.
Steve has worked with Citizen Action on healthcare and is a co-sponsor of BadgerCare public Option bill. Steve supports ensuring everyone has the right to an abortion.
Steve will continue to fight to cut greenhouse gas emissions, expand clean energy, and require fossil fuel corporations and utilities to do their part. He will also ensure fighting climate change creates good union jobs.
To get involved helping re-elect Steve Doyle, contact: [email protected]
Learn more about Representative Steve Doyle
Assembly District 95 – Representative Jill Billings
In the capital Jill Billings has advocated for the health of Wisconsinites. She has authored legislation to cap the rising costs of lifesaving medications. She has been a champion of bringing federal health care funding back to Wisconsin through Medicaid expansion. She also is a co-sponsor of creating an alternative to predatory health insurance companies, a BadgerCare Public Option, with lower premiums and no claims denials.
Jill is a strong supporter of better funding for public schools and opposes the private voucher program.
Jill has been a tireless advocate for protecting the health of our water. She is the author of the Water Pollution Notification Act requiring the DNR to alert counties of water quality violations. She also supported legislation that would replace lead laterals, regulate PFAS contamination, and 10 bi-partisan bills from the Water Quality Task Force. She co-sponsored the Forward on Climate legislative package which takes state action to recognize and address climate change.
Jill believes voters should pick their elected leaders, elected officials should not get to pick their voters. To maintain our democracy it is imperative to combat gerrymandering though transparent non-partisan redistricting along with reforming campaign financing and fighting for voter protections.
To get involved helping re-elect Jill Billings, contact: [email protected]
Learn more about Representative Jill Billings.
Assembly District 96: Tara Johnson
This district is an important opportunity to flip a former gerrymandered Republican seat to Democratic.
Tara Johnson is a founding member of the Driftless Organizing Cooperative and long time member of Citizen Action. She is a former La Crosse County Board member and Executive Director of the United Way of La Crosse.
Tara is very supportive of Citizen Action issues and our platform, particularly making sure we all have healthcare coverage. Tara will also work with Citizen Action members to take real steps to reform our monopolistic health system that has resulted in uncontrolled costs and unplanned closures leaving communities vulnerable and without answers. Tara says we can and must do better.
Tara Johnson will also focus on creating economic opportunity through more good jobs that pay family supporting wages, restoring reproductive rights, funding child care, and protecting our democracy.
Learn more about Tara Johnson.
To get involved helping elect Tara Johnson with Citizen Action, contact: [email protected]
Amendment Question: “Eligibility to vote. Shall section 1 of article III of the constitution, which deals with suffrage, be amended to provide that only a United States citizen age 18 or older who resides in an election district may vote in an election for national, state, or local office or at a statewide or local referendum?”
This amendment is an attack on our freedom to vote. Changing the wording from “every” citizen to “only” citizens is a way for lawmakers to further restrict our freedom to vote. Wisconsin already has safe and secure elections and safeguards in place to ensure only eligible voters are voting. This amendment uses fear as a tactic to further divide us. No matter where we were born or what language we speak, all eligible Wisconsin voters are afforded the right to cast a ballot and make their voice heard. This anti-voter amendment would change the language of our state’s constitution. It could open the door to discriminatory practices, disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of eligible voters.
This is another example of the gerrymandered legislature trying to pick their voters. It’s a last-minute power-grab before voters choose a new legislature using the new fair maps this November.
This constitutional amendment aims to divide us and pit us against our neighbors. Wisconsinites know we are better when we stand together. Let’s say no to the lies and vote this amendment down.
Learn more on why a NO vote is best from the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin.
Vote YES for Eau Claire School District Referendum
Question: “Shall the Eau Claire Area School District, Eau Claire, Chippewa and Dunn Counties, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $18,000,000 for the 2024-2025 school year and for each of the succeeding 3 school years thereafter, for non-recurring purposes to fund operating costs to ensure stability of educational programs, including elementary reading; behavioral and mental health resources for students; school safety; and to sustain student to staff ratios?”
Read more about why voting YES is important for Eau Claire Schools.