Citizen Action Weekend E Newsletter, November 10th
Citizen Action is hiring Deep Canvass Field Organizers in Green Bay and Milwaukee.
For more information contact Priscilla Bort at [email protected]
New MU Law Poll says gerrymandered state legislature vulnerable in 2024 elections!
by: Robert Kraig, Executive Director
The new Marquette University Law Poll is clear about one thing: Wisconsinites overwhelmingly dislike the job the state Legislature is doing. Voters are ready to get rid of the gerrymandered Legislature–and so are we!
We have already launched our 2024 election program, talking directly to voters on the phones and the doors throughout Wisconsin.
The 2024 election in Wisconsin WILL determine whether Governor Evers has a democratically elected Legislature. With Presidential, Senate, and Congressional contests on the ballot, everything is at stake. Wisconsin could determine the future of American democracy.
Your donations helped us expand our ongoing voter outreach program, magnifying its impact and inoculating voters against the billionaire-funded toxic propaganda jamming the airwaves! Small dollar contributions and a door-to-door field operation are the tried and true tactics that will help us strengthen our democracy, create fair legislative maps, restore women’s abortion rights, address the climate crisis, reverse economic and racial inequality, and curb skyrocketing health care costs.
Every dollar raised will go directly to supporting this mission. We are asking you to make a donation today to our fight to win in 2024.
Volunteer to make phone calls in support of BadgerCare Public Option Bill next Monday, November 13th, 5pm – 7pm.
Citizen Action Southeast Organizing Cooperative is working to help the Milwaukee County Transit System go green!
Citizen Action members sent testimony to testify in favor of County Board Supervisor Ryan Clancy and Martinez’s budget amendment to amend funds to purchase 30 diesel buses to instead purchase 30 electric buses. This proposal was a part of a long-range plan to help Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) to transition from diesel buses to electric buses.
Although the budget amendment failed, members rallied and sent written testimony to County Supervisors sharing their strong support for electric buses. MCTS shared concerns over sourcing electric buses. Urban Milwaukee wrote an article about the budget amendment.
Citizen Action continues to advocate for green transportation and supports efforts to lower greenhouse gas emissions and meet pledges in the Climate and Equity Action Plan.
Interested in working to help MCTS transition to electric buses? Reach out to Southeast Wisconsin Co-Op Organizer at [email protected].
Call your state senator 1(800) 362-9472 and tell them to get a better deal!
We are thrilled to announce the addition of the Madison Teachers Incorporated (MTI) and Racine Educators United (REA-REAA) as signers to our letter in opposition to the massive public subsidy for the owner of the Brewers.
This week two amendments that change little in the financing were introduced in a senate committee and passed. The full Senate is likely to vote on the bill next week.
However, there remains bi-partisan opposition in the Senate. They need to hear from you!
Your state senator needs to hear from you now.
Call 1 (800) 362-9472.
Citizen Action Driftless Organizing Cooperative Update
We’ve been busy in the Driftless Co-Op learning about and supporting the BadgerCare Public Option Bill! This week we held two training sessions on what’s in the bill and how to talk about it to friends, family and neighbors. If you want to participate in a training or meet with me one on one to discuss, please reach out.
We will be phone banking into the Driftless region this Monday to let people know about this important piece of legislation and asking them to support it. Public awareness and support will be key in getting this passed. If you can join us, please click here and join us Monday, November 13th – 5-7. No training is necessary.
We are also looking for members to support us at our press event introducing the bill. Rep. Steve Doyle, a COW Driftless member and Rep. Jill Billings will be announcing their co-signing of the public option bill. We would love to have other members with us to show support for the bill and appreciation to Rep. Doyle and Billings for co-sponsoring it. Meet us Monday, November 20th at The Saint Clare Health Mission at 916 Ferry St. at 9:30am.
We are thrilled to be joining Opportunity Wisconsin and For Our Future for a fun night of Politics & Pints at the Pearl Street Brewery! Join us Tuesday, November 14th at 6PM. A great time is had by all!
To find out more about the Driftless Co-Op or become a member, please call or email, Kristie Tweed, Driftless Co-Op Organizer, 608-317-1331; [email protected]
Citizen Action North Side Rising Member-Leader Spotlight
Citizen Action North Side Rising is growing in strength and numbers as new members get involved, reach out to their neighbors, and bring them into the movement!
Quoata Ivy and Natasha Prescott, two North Side Rising leaders, have been out knocking doors, phone banking, volunteering at events, joining Leadership Meetings, and building power with us.
Healthcare is a key issue motivating Quoata. Natasha joined Citizen Action’s Movement Politics Academy this fall, with plans to manage a campaign. We value the compassion and dedication Quoata and Natasha bring to their leadership!
Make plans to protest We Energies in Milwaukee next Friday, November 17th, 2pm.

Join us for Re-imaging Community Health at Citizen Action Office, Saturday, November 11, 12:00pm
What would it be like to look forward to visits with your healthcare provider? So many folks are anxious about getting healthcare, and for good reason. Americans are spending more and more–many are driven into debt–but living shorter and shorter lives.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Want proof? Look to Costa Rica. They have developed a model of people-first, preventive healthcare that prioritizes building relationships and strengthening communities. The results speak for themselves.
Costa Ricans live longer than Americans. They don’t have the kind of glaring racial and economic inequities in healthcare we do, either. And Costa Rica does all this while spending less money than the US.
Join Citizen Action Executive Director, Dr. Robert Kraig, Healthcare Organizer Brandon Williford, and Health Justice Organizer Maletha Jones on Saturday to discuss medical debt and the harmful impacts of our “healthcare industrial complex.” Learn how the Costa Rican model could transform community and personal health, and imagine what a community health model could look like in Milwaukee.
Citizen Action in the News
Citizen Action’s Robert Kraig was on the Earl Ingram radio show for the full hour to discuss the GOP culture war playbook, including the attacks on the UW System’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs.
Robert joins Earl every Wednesday from 9 AM to 10 AM. The Earl Ingram Show is broadcast statewide on the fast growing Civic Media radio network. Find your local station here.
Listen to “The Wisconsin we need” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast
Robert gives us the latest on the BadgerCare Public Option bill, the only comprehensive bill this session to address the health care cost and access crisis. Priscilla discusses the importance of calling state legislators and urging them to co-sponsor. Listeners are encouraged to join us every Monday, 5-7 pm, making calls to Wisconsin voters and getting them to call their state legislators in support. Attend upcoming media events in Eau Claire on 11/17, 11am, at the Chippewa Valley Free Clinic and in La Crosse on 11/20, 9:30am, at St. Clare Health Mission.
On the union front, we talk about the significance of UW Health nurses’ union’s latest action to improve patient safety and why their organizing fight is critical to reforming the healthcare system. We also celebrate the end of the actors’ strike this week.
We welcome Mark Rice, Wisconsin Transformational Justice Campaign Coordinator at WISDOM, to discuss WISDOM’s organizing and legislative agenda on criminal justice reform in Wisconsin. Wisconsin continues to trail the nation and surrounding states in lowering our incarceration rates while state facilities are grossly understaffed resulting in inhumane conditions for people in the facilities.
Robert gives us the latest on the effort to get a better deal in the Brewers’ effort to get a public subsidy. Finally, we debrief the implications from Tuesday’s national election results as we are now one year away from a huge presidential election. We look at the latest polling, including a new MU Law poll that clearly shows the gerrymandered state legislature is very unpopular and vulnerable in the 2024 election. We encourage you to donate to our voter contact effort to win state legislative seats in 2024.
Listen to the show!