
Citizen Action Wisconsin has played a constant role in democracy issues, including nonpartisan voter engagement of underrepresented communities throughout Wiscomsin and defending the right to vote. 

Our accomplishments include verified increases in African American and Latinx voter participation in Milwaukee in our targeted wards, and effectively challenging right-wing voter suppression policies, including winning a federal lawsuit which overturned Scott Walker’s restrictions on early voting.

Our voter engagement program reached new heights in 2020. The progress was made possible by adding a deep canvass program to our growing grassroots organizing base, which we are able to start much earlier than usual (March) and maintain for the entire year and into 2021. We achieved large voter engagement numbers despite the pandemic, and the public health necessity of converting our planned door canvass to an all virtual program. We made 179,929 calls; mailed voting information to 213,380 people (multiple pieces), worked a digital universe of 586,000 voters; had 16,811 total contacts; completed phone conversations with 6,767 voters; and recruited 454 new Citizen Action volunteers.