Citizen Action Endorses Judges Mitchell and Protasiewicz.
For Immediate Release: January 26, 2023
Contact: Robert Kraig (414) 322-5324, [email protected]
Citizen Action Makes Dual Endorsement in Pivotal WI Supreme Court Election.
Statewide: Today, Citizen Action of Wisconsin, a statewide grassroots social justice organization with members in every region of the state, announced the dual endorsement of Judge Janet Protasiewicz and Judge Everett Mitchell in the pivotal four way race for the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
The election will decide the balance of the court, determining whether Wisconsin has a constitutional Supreme Court which fairly and equitably applies the law to ever changing social and economic circumstances or a court that dogmatically imposes an extremist right-wing agenda on the people.
In a highly democratic process, Citizen Action conducted a public candidate forum, gathered member feedback on the candidates, and had an extensive board deliberation which reached the conclusion a dual endorsement best reflected the views of our members and organizational leaders. The board concluded that although Judge Mitchell and Judge Protasiewicz have different strengths, both meet Citizen Action’s endorsement criterion and both would be excellent supreme court judges.
Citizen Action leaders and members were deeply impressed by Judge Mitchell’s path-breaking work as the presiding judge of the Dane County juvenile division, where he oversees cases within the county’s high-risk drug court program. Citizen Action believes the reforms Judge Mitchell has implemented are a blueprint for creating a just and equitable criminal justice system. Judge Mitchell is in concert with Citizen Action’s cutting edge criminal justice reform platform.
Citizen Action was also deeply impressed by Judge Protasiewicz’s egalitarian judicial philosophy, and her deep commitment to restore the Supreme Court’s traditional role as a guardian rather than a usurper of democracy and majority rule. She also would be a staunch defender of basic constitutional rights, such as the right of women to control their own reproductive health decisions.
“After a far-reaching democratic process, Citizen Action of Wisconsin concludes that Judge Protasiewicz and Judge Mitchell would be Supreme Court Judges who would put the interests and rights of average citizens above the demands of self-interested corporations, the super rich, and craven politicians seeking power at any cost,” said Robert Kraig, Executive Director of Citizen Action of Wisconsin.