Citizen Action Weekly Friday, June 7th
Friday, June 7th
Citizen Action hires Claire Zautke as Director of Healthcare For All
Claire Zautke comes to Citizen Action of Wisconsin after completing her Master of Public Affairs at the UW’s La Follette School of Public Affairs in May. At La Follette, Claire studied policy analysis, program evaluation, statistical and cost-benefit analysis, and nonprofit management.
Claire is passionate about addressing the failings of our health care system, and advocating for high-quality, affordable, and equitable access to health care for all. Claire’s past professional experience includes a four-year term on the Milwaukee Board of School Directors as well as various community organizing and outreach roles with local government, candidates, and community organizations.
Northeast Co-op Day of Action for BadgerCare Expansion – June 24 2019
Green Bay BadgerCare Expansion Rally at 12:30pm
For the statewide day of action, the Northeast Co-op will be organizing a rally in Green Bay at 12:30pm at Whitney Park, 800 Main St,
More details at facebook page
Write or call your State Legislators
Northwest Wisconsin BadgerCare Day of Action, June 24th
There are three unique ways to action and ensure that BadgerCare is expanded to over 80,000 of our fellow Wisconsinites:
- Write a letter to your representative and urge them to expand BadgerCare! If you live in Northwest Wisconsin, your letter will be hand delivered when our Madison team meets with our representatives on June 24th. If you are looking for inspiration, take a look at our template!
- Take part in our Expand BadgerCare Rally in Eau Claire during the morning of June 24th!
- Join our Madison Lobby team for a day of in-person action on June 24th! We will be speaking to your representatives about the importance of expanding BadgerCare and delivering letters
If you have any questions please contact our organizer ([email protected])
Nominations for the Southeastern Wisconsin Organizing Co-op Steering Committee
Dear Fellow Organizing Co-op Members:
It’s June again, and that means nominations, followed by elections (running July 2-15) for positions on the Steering Committee! There are currently up to seven positions to be elected. We encourage all Southeastern Wisconsin-area members to consider nominating yourself for one of the open seats – or, encourage a member-friend to do the same.
What are the responsibilities, duties, and expectations of the members of the Steering Committee? We thought you might ask that! They include:
Make higher-level decisions for the Co-op – take positions on important community issues and develop long-term strategy, including review and approval of Issue Team proposals, and consultation on hiring of organizers
Organize, implement, and convene general co-op assembly meetings
Active participation on at least one Co-op Issue Team
The time commitment: 2-year term, with a monthly commitment of anywhere from 4 to 10 hours, including monthly 2-hour SC meeting (date/time TBD), dependent on personal availability
If you feel you can make the commitment, please consider running for a seat. The nominations window is open now and closes on Sunday, June 30th. Please submit your name, along with a picture and a short blurb (100 words or less) on your candidacy (e.g., why you’re interested in running, your background/past experiences that would inform your work with our Co-op, your involvement in our Co-op so far, and anything else you think might be relevant) to current Steering Committee member Beth Ludeman at [email protected]. Make sure to use “CA Steering Com candidate” in your message’s subject line so we don’t miss you!
Descripción de la posición del Comité Directivo (SC)
1) Asistir regularmente a reuniones en persona o por conferencia telefónica
2) Revisar y aprobar los equipos oficiales de co-op.
3) Tomar decisiones de alto nivel para la cooperativa, tales como posiciones de cooperación en temas y estrategia a largo plazo, así como consultar sobre la contratación de personal. Si las decisiones o acciones de la posición de emisión son sensibles al tiempo, los organizadores locales de la Cooperativa deben notificar a los miembros del SC por correo electrónico con tiempo suficiente para responder.
4) Organizar, implementar y convocar reuniones generales de la asamblea cooperativa
5) Trabajar con el personal para planificar e implementar una estrategia a largo plazo para la cooperativa
6) Seleccionar y asesorar a los miembros de la cooperativa para que representen a la cooperativa en las juntas directivas de Citizen Action
7) Llegar regularmente a un subconjunto de miembros de la cooperativa para involucrarlos y alentar la participación en actividades de la cooperativa (cada miembro del SC tiene un “territorio”)
8) Crear y mantener la membresía para hacer crecer la organización, incluida la recaudación de fondos cuando sea necesario
9) Mantener una comunicación regular entre los cooperativos de SC en todo el estado
10) Estar dispuesto a asistir a oportunidades de capacitación vía teleconferencia o en persona.
11) Asistir regularmente a las reuniones de al menos un equipo temático de su elección
12) Compromiso de tiempo: plazo de 2 años, el compromiso mensual puede ser de 4 horas al mes a 10 horas al mes (depende de la disponibilidad personal del miembro del SC)
North Central Organizing Co-op Members Attend Medicaid Town Hall at UW Stevens Point
NC Organizing Co-op members from Merrill, Wausau, Wisconsin Rapids and Stevens Point joined Gov. Tony Evers, US Rep. Ron Kind (3rd CD), and WI State Rep. Katrina Shankland (71st AD) for a Medicaid expansion town hall. The event was organized by the AARP. People had the opportunity to speak, and many shared personal stories of why accepting the funds is not only the right thing to do, but it makes financial sense. One thing was clear by the end of the event, and that is that people overwhelmingly support accepting these funds. You can see press coverage of the event at the Stevens Point Journal. Gov. Evers, Rep. Kind and Rep. Shankland all urged people to call their legislators and ask that they do the right thing.
“Our Republican leaders in the Legislature have said it’s a nonstarter. Well, it’s a nonstarter for now. If we can get people active … we can change minds.” – Tony Evers CONTACT your legislators >>>
Acción Ciudadana Green New Deal Fundraiser

Acción Ciudadana de Wisconsin (Citizen Action of Wisconsin-CAW) held a Green New Deal (GND) gathering at the Freight 38 Nightclub with local members and allies to kick-off a campaign to educate the populace that “we’re headed for a climate genocide that will disproportionately affect marginalized communities already dealing with the consequences of decades of neglect and deindustralization,” according to CAW. CAW goal is to educate the public about the GND campaign that has been launched to educate the public about the importance of the GND and how the climate is affecting their lives; will provide civic 101 trainings and neighborhood canvasses to inform and identify leaders to become part of the campaign and to built a base and identify local support in communities of color to help promote funding sources from public elected officials, according to CAW.
Luz Sosa, the CAW community organizer says that members of CAW will knock on doors to help educate people about the Green New Deal and its effects. According to Sosa, CAW is the first non-profit organization to launch a GND campaign in the country.
Those attending were Milwaukee County Supervisor Steven Shea and Milwaukee Public School Board member Tony Baez.
Source: Hispanic News Network U.S.A.
If you are interested in contributing to this campaign, please click here
Acción Ciudadana de Wisconsin (Citizen Action of Wisconsin-CAW) realizó una reunión Green New Deal (GND) en Freight 38 con miembros locales y aliados para iniciar una campaña para educar a la población que “nos dirigimos hacia un clima El genocidio que afectará de manera desproporcionada a las comunidades marginadas que ya enfrentan las consecuencias de décadas de abandono y desindustralización “, según CAW. El objetivo de CAW es educar al público sobre la campaña de GND que se lanzó para educar al público sobre la importancia de la GND y cómo el clima está afectando sus vidas; de acuerdo con la CAW, proporcionará capacitación cívica 101 y encuestas a los vecindarios para informar e identificar a los líderes para que formen parte de la campaña y construir una base e identificar el apoyo local en las comunidades de color para ayudar a promover las fuentes de financiamiento de los funcionarios públicos electos.
Luz Sosa, la organizadora de la comunidad de Acción Ciudadana, dice que los miembros de CAW tocarán las puertas para ayudar a educar a la gente sobre el Green New Deal y sus efectos. Según Sosa, CAW es la primera organización sin fines de lucro que lanza una campaña de GND en el país.
Los asistentes fueron el Supervisor del Condado de Milwaukee Steven Shea y el miembro de la Junta de Escuelas Públicas de Milwaukee, Tony Báez.
Fuente: Hispanic News Network U.S.A.
Si está interesado en contribuir a esta campaña, haga clic aquí.
Apply to be on the Northeast Co-op Steering Committee!
The Steering Committee would be a good fit for you if:
- Want to take a leadership role in the Northeast Organizing Co-op and grow your skills!
- Want to take an active role in growing our movement in the Northeast and making decisions about what candidates we endorse and issue campaigns we pursue.
- Availability to meet once a month by phone or in person
- Volunteer for at least 2-4 hours a month to support the co-op on communications; social media; assisting with member recruitment or retention in your town/county; facilitating steering committee meetings; or leading or developing an issue team. During election seasons you can also volunteer to lead electoral work in their town/county.
- Your Northeast Co-op membership dues are current.
- 1 or 2 year terms
To apply, email NE Organizer, Jolie at [email protected] with your name, city/county, and a short statement about why you want to be part of the steering committee and what you would like to be the focus for your volunteering. Due June 30, 2019. Have questions? Call Jolie at (920) 312-4246 and she’ll be happy to talk more about the for steering committee.
Supporters in the Driftless Region of Wisconsin work to design future Rural/Urban Alliance Organizing Co-op

After many conversation throughout the Driftless region of South Central/Western Wisconsin, groups of supporters and early members have been holding a series of discussions to weigh in and discuss what an Organizing Co-op could and should look like. Monday night brought together 15 leaders from places like Reedsburg, Baraboo, La Valle, Rock Springs and Madison to discuss what an “Rural/Urban Alliance” might look like. These conversations have, and/or will soon be, taking place in Richland, Vernon, La Crosse, Crawford, Sauk and Dane Counties (for starters).
Recognizing an economic & political interdependence, supporters are exploring how to take on directly the “Politics of Resentment” as documented by Katherine Cramer’s book. Places like Madison and La Crosse may have more people, more corporate offices, media stations, major universities, and access to markets, but small town communities are the sources of many agricultural, manufactured and natural resources needed every day in cities. (And they are the ones who are the constituents of the GOP legislators Gerrymandering the state). So, together we aim to bridge the divide, starting with issues that bring us together, like Healthcare-for-all and mitigating the Climate Change-exacerbating floods threatening the region and our homes
Sharing Power with the People in SD 31!
All elected officials hold office hours, but State Senator Jeff Smith holds his roadside! At the corner of State Highway 93 and County Road II, Jeff and his truck spent the afternoon and evening listening to constituents who stopped to talk about the issues that matter to them, like BadgerCare expansion and Factory Farming. As a co-op, we are extremely excited to see a clear example of shared governance.
“How Progressives Can Win the Rust Belt in 2020” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast
This week Battleground Wisconsin takes to the road to dig into the question of how progressives can win back the industrial states lost to Donald Trump in 2016. We have a series of interviews of state and national leaders recorded live at the People’s Action national convention in Washington, DC. First the iconic progressive leader Heather Booth, the focus of a major documentary film, gives us a road map to progressive victory. Next we talk to Michigan State Representative Lauri Pohutsky, a strong progressive candidate who won a purple district in 2018 with the assistance of Citizen Action’s fellow People’s Action affiliate, Michigan United. Finally we have an in-depth interview with one of the most respected African American organizers in the country, Ohio Organizing Collaborative Director DaMareo Cooper, who helps us dig into the need to win the industrial Midwest with a unified urban/rural/suburban strategy.
Listen Now – Episode #395
Download MP3
Press Clips
Citizen Action in the News
Citizen Action North Central Wisconsin Co-op Member Hans Breitenmoser was featured in Progressive Magazine for our work on fair maps. Read the article here.
Citizen Action Executive Director Robert Kraig did a 60 minute interview on the Earl Ingram radio show on why modern conservatives are hell bent on denying health care access. Listen to the interview here.