Citizen Action Weekly: Friday, May 14th

Friday, May 14th

Attend Milwaukee County Citizen Climate and Equity Lobby Training

Climate change and equity are finally getting the attention they deserve around Wisconsin and the country. But we need citizens like you to influence elected officials to prioritize climate action and equity.

You will learn about Milwaukee County’s local issues, how to build your network, and will leave with the tools and connections to be an effective citizen lobbyist for climate and equity funding at the local level.

RSVP to attend Saturday May 15th, 10:00-11:30am

Thanks all, Citizen Action Organizing Co-op member Ted Kraig and the Southeastern Wisconsin Climate Issue Team

Attend Rally for Fair Maps Monday, May 17th, Noon, at the Capitol!

After months of work, Wisconsin State Legislators are rolling out a bill to create an open, honest, fair, and transparent redistricting process.  We want to celebrate and demonstrate the public support for Fair Maps.

We invite you to safely join us Monday, May 17th at 12:00 pm on the Capitol Building Lawn in Madison!

Special Guests:  Citizen Action Members Senator Jeff Smith, Representative Deb Andraca, Community Leader Sachin Cheda,  Community Leaders and Activists Matt Rothschild, Debra Cronmiller, and others!

“Right to Harm” movie screening and discussion

Join us for an online screening of the documentary “Right to Harm”, A documentary discussing the damage CAFOs cause to communities. We will have a post-documentary discussion to hear everyone’s thoughts on the film and discuss how it relates to the water team’s advocacy for a strong nitrate rule in Wisconsin.

Tune in and find out what actions you can take RIGHT AWAY to protect Wisconsin’s clean waters!

Learn More and RSVP here

Citizen Action’s Climate & Equity Director Rafael Smith was the “Hero of the Week” in the Shepherd Express, Milwaukee’s alternative weekly. Read the article here

Citizen Action’s Executive Director Robert Kraig was on the Jeff Santos Show for 60 minutes to discuss the increasing threat that a handful of Senate moderates will block badly needed progressive reforms and hand control of Congress back to the neo-faschist right. Listen to the discussion here. The Boston-based Jeff Santos show runs in the evenings 8 PM to 11 PM here in Wisconsin on Devil’s Radio Network,which runs in the Madison media market and on live stream.

Join the weekly Citizen Action broadcast about healthcare and Medicare for All!

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Join Citizen Action Health Care for All Organizing Cooperative organizer, Karen Kirsch, and Dr. Mark Neumann every Wednesday at 7:00 PM to discuss America’s healthcare system with a special emphasis on Medicare for All. This broadcast will be available over Zoom and via Facebook.

WATCH this week’s show

If you stream the show via zoom webinar you will have the opportunity to enter the Green Room with Karen and Dr. Mark to talk more, ask questions or share your healthcare stories if you feel compelled to share. See you in the green room!
Please register here!

Members of the Citizen Action North Central Organizing Co-op meet the Just Budget Tour in Rhinelander (Oneida County)

Members of the North Central Organizing Co-op joined Northwoods Activists and community leaders in Rhinelander, on May 7th, to stand in solidarity with the Just Budget Coalition. The Coalition for a Just Wisconsin Budget is a new nonpartisan coalition supported by over 36 organizations. The idea to form it came out of the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice (WNPJ) which is a 30 year old 501(c)3 organization that fosters collaboration for peace, justice, sustainability and democracy. Building Unity, a shared project of several groups, is currently hosting information about the Coalition on its website.

Speakers and attendees to the event in Rhinelander, called on the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) and the State Legislature to support Gov. Evers’ proposal in the state budget to expand BadgerCare, to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, to support criminal justice reform/more monies for treatment and alternatives to incarceration, marijuana legalization, to support efforts to address climate and equity, and to increase support for public education.

LaCrosse Area Public transportation users, lovers, and advocates!

La Crosse Area Transit Advocates is hosting a special online Transit Talk program on Tuesday, May 18 at 6:30 p.m. with guests Mayor Mitch Reynolds and MTU Director Adam Lorentz. We will make sure participants can ask questions during the program. Alternate text

We’ll hear about what changed because of COVID-19, what’s new and coming, and how the city can support and promote a strong, accessible, affordable, convenient public transportation system.

You will need to register in advance to receive the access link or dial-in information. Once you register, we will send you the link no later than May 17. It is not an automated process, so don’t be alarmed if you don’t get your link right away. It would be best not to share your link with others so we can avoid “zoom bombing.”

You will be able to join the Webex program by computer or by phone. To get the access link, please register here

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Celebrating our next generation! Congratulations Josefine Jaynes

Congratulations to Josefine Jaynes (the first candidate ever endorsed by the Citizen Action of Wisconsin Driftless Organizing Co-op) on your recent election to be the Chair of the 3rd Congressional District Democratic Party of Wisconsin.

Josefine you are the voice of the next generation and the exact kind of leadership the Wisconsin Democratic Party needs! Citizen Action of Wisconsin looks forward to working with you to make Wisconsin a better place for everyone!

“Anti-Vax Ron Johnson” Battleground Wisconsin Podcast

Our panel discusses Senator Ron Johnson’s continued anti-vaccination lies while the county struggles with slowing vaccination rates. How many will die because of Johnson’s political ambitions and loyalty to the ex President? We update the state budget battle following Republican’s action in the Joint Finance Committee to strip hundreds of popular items. We also review the latest rash of terrible GOP bills on everything from school vouchers to more attacks on the voting process being pushed through the Legislature and certain to be vetoed by Governor Evers. Vital Federal pandemic recovery money will start to roll out to states and local governments as Wisconsin discovers our share will be $700 million less. Legislative Republicans are also preparing to impose more Unemployment Insurance barriers to acquiring vitally needed benefits, following other red state Governor’s blaming the unemployed, while a new conservative report pushes privatization of Wisconsin’s unemployment system in the wake of pandemic dysfunction at the agency. What could go wrong? We close by encouraging our listeners to attend the Fair Maps Rally at the State Capitol next Monday, May 17th at Noon.

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