Special Interview: Special Interview with Dave Zirin on public money for billionaire’s stadium.
Dave Zirin, the sports editor of The Nation Magazine and an award winning journalist, joins the show to discuss the current effort by the owner of the Brewers to get half a billion dollars in public money for stadium repairs with nothing in return other than the privilege to have the team stay in Wisconsin.
Zirin explains how what is happening here is part of an orchestrated effort by Major League Baseball and other major professional sports leagues to extract significant public dollars with few or no concessions. Dave notes that the leagues and teams have stopped even trying to seriously argue that the huge investments are good for states and municipalities. Instead, teams try to cut sweetheart deals with politicians and move quickly with little public debate.
Zirin lays out how community organizing is the secret to cutting a much better deal with teams that protect the public’s interest.
SIGN & SHARE Petition: Demand an equity share of the Milwaukee Brewers, guaranteeing the public will get a return on our investment.